I can't ever hatch shipped silky eggs!

Floppy Pheasant

Jul 29, 2017
This is my third attempt trying to hatch shipped silky eggs....out of 7..I possibly have one,out of 11 Brahma eggs,8 are on lockdown (why oh why are my silky eggs so difficult???) I've tried 30 to 40% humidity,dry incubation... the rocking turners,flat turners.
I let the eggs sit for 24hrs,36hrs... after delivery,pointy side down in egg cartons,I've tried summer,fall,spring....
I just cannot hatch a silky!!! Please help!
I breed silkies and ship out eggs almost every week for people all over the country (and some outside the country) to hatch. So hopefully I can try to help you. I’ve also hatched batches of shipped silkie eggs, myself. Some of those batches none hatched and some almost 100% hatched. First, what state are you in and what incubator are you using? Have tried different breeders? How were the eggs packed? And the most important question is what shape were the eggs in when you got them? How did the aircells look? Even if the eggs weren’t cracked they can still be damaged internally unless they are packed really, really well. My pet peeve is packing because I know how disappointing it is to get eggs in the mail and have none hatch! Also, I will say that in my experience silkie eggs loose moisture quicker and do better with a little higher humidity. I run 35-50% throughout incubation. I start around 50% and then when it gets down to 35% (usually each 7 days) I’ll check aircells and usually add water back to 50% and let it drop down again. Then I wait until there’s internal pips (sometimes external ones too) and then increase my humidity up to 75%. Obviously you’re doing something right because you are having other eggs hatch. So let’s figure out why those silkies aren’t hatching for you!
I'm in Pennsylvania, the eggs were packed very well.....hmmmm,my humidity was on the lower end,due to I was incubating Brahma's at the same time (out of 11 shipped Brahma eggs,5 have hatched today,my pheasant eggs (which I primarily breed, are from my own birds) I get 100% hatch rate.... I just want to have a silky hatch,I was going with dry incubation,perhaps silky eggs are too small to go dry.
I check air cells,day 10,14 and 18...only one looked viable,the rest were clear,scrambled or quitters,my only silky egg (which should have pipped yesterday...nothing.

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