I can't kill them :(

I am having trouble with an abudance of hawks and I live in the city. I had a hawk swoop down and almost take off my favorite Serama hen. I was doing some yard work and he swooped just feet away from me. I scared him off just in time. I thought I would have a heart attack. He was totally fearless of me. I have seen the crows hubbing the hawks and now I have a new respect for them. I watched as one crow almost lost his life trying to run the hawk off along with 4 more crows. It amazing to watch them.

I tried the owl theory. It doesn't seem to bother the hawks at all. I have never seen so many hawks as of late. I am thinking they may have had a nest with babies hatched this spring due to the different sizes. I guess they're "resident" hawks. I wish they would just find another neighborhood.
That how theGuy got caught, he buried one with a chip. Post on a forum about killing hawk that was after his birds.
I've noticed less hawks since I got the Emu and geese.
I'd hate to go off topic and start a debate but that is not true. DDT saved millions of
human lives from basic diseases such as malaria. Now, thanks to misinformation, millions
are dying again.

Raptors were poached and overhunted, along with other environmental issues. Any
predator is a predator. Eliminate it, protect your flock, or accept that you will have losses
to predators. It's that simple.

Yes this old man was around, thin eggs shell after they ate mice & rat with DDT in them.

I have a pair of redtail nesting in my wood every year now.

I may lose a few chicks to them, but nothing to what I lose to DOGS & COONS.

Raptors have not been hunted for years. They have been protected my whole life.

I myself will take the few I loss, just to see these great birds flying overhead. I remember the days when you rarely see any.
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