I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

I noticed that under the heading "Racoon problems" nothing was mentioned about their taste for chicken... Oh, there were blurbs about coons in the chimney, trash can and gardens but not one thing about their insatiable hunger for fresh chicken!
Rascals Indeed!
I got home from a mid shift about a week and a half ago and found our feeder bins knocked asunder and I couldn't account for one of the hens. My wife later found her, badly injured. We also noticed our rooster had a few feathers out of place. I set out some hav-a-heart type traps and over a week's time caught 5 coons. The only night I set out a trap and didn't catch one it was tripped and all the bait gone.

We sprinkled some dry cat food and some bird seed (mostly cracked corn) to bait the trap. Our cat, who lives in the back yard around the chickens, didn't go for the traps. (She's old and doesn't hunt. We put her outside because she wasn't getting any exercise inside and wouldn't even try to get to the litter box. Outside she's much more active and gets along great for the most part with our chickens.)

I also used arrows to dispatch the coons we caught and for the same reason.

Incidentally, this seems to be one of the fastest growing threads here. It seems a lot of people have had trouble with raccoons raiding their chickens.
So I moved the trap into the chicken yard, as I suspected more coon activity. Pushed the back of it up against the concrete foundation of our garage. Pushed in T-posts to anchor it with 2 big pails full of water on top of it. Baited with a trail to trap with mini marshmallows & bits of cooked chicken leftovers just outside & inside of trap.

So yeah, got one! Its a boy! I feel like I should pass around cigars or something. LOL! JK. Note: not gloating.

Gave my Browning T-bolt .17 hmr a try. Did not disappoint! Instant kill shot. It didn't suffer. Was definitely heavier than the female. Maybe 30 lbs this one? Sure wish I had a game scale!
So I moved the trap into the chicken yard, as I suspected more coon activity. Pushed the back of it up against the concrete foundation of our garage. Pushed in T-posts to anchor it with 2 big pails full of water on top of it. Baited with a trail to trap with mini marshmallows & bits of cooked chicken leftovers just outside & inside of trap. So yeah, got one! Its a boy! I feel like I should pass around cigars or something. LOL! JK. Note: not gloating. Gave my Browning T-bolt .17 hmr a try. Did not disappoint! Instant kill shot. It didn't suffer. Was definitely heavier than the female. Maybe 30 lbs this one? Sure wish I had a game scale!
So I moved the trap into the chicken yard, as I suspected more coon activity. Pushed the back of it up against the concrete foundation of our garage. Pushed in T-posts to anchor it with 2 big pails full of water on top of it. Baited with a trail to trap with mini marshmallows & bits of cooked chicken leftovers just outside & inside of trap.

So yeah, got one! Its a boy! I feel like I should pass around cigars or something. LOL! JK. Note: not gloating.

Gave my Browning T-bolt .17 hmr a try. Did not disappoint! Instant kill shot. It didn't suffer. Was definitely heavier than the female. Maybe 30 lbs this one? Sure wish I had a game scale!

Nice. I have to use more silent means of dispatching them because I live in town. They tear the heck out of arrows when you shoot them inside a cage trap. That's a biggun all right.
I understand the need for silence in town. We had a crazy lady live 1000 ft up the road who would call the MNR (DNR equivalent in U.S.) whenever shots were fired. Pain in the butt, but we're all legal here. She's gone now. I used to use a crossbow on them. I like the silent & deadly accuracy of bows too. A lot of fun just target shooting, even.

Good luck getting your troublesome coons Lifestudent!

Thanks redneck!
I understand the need for silence in town. We had a crazy lady live 1000 ft up the road who would call the MNR (DNR equivalent in U.S.) whenever shots were fired. Pain in the butt, but we're all legal here. She's gone now. I used to use a crossbow on them. I like the silent & deadly accuracy of bows too. A lot of fun just target shooting, even.

Good luck getting your troublesome coons Lifestudent!

Thanks redneck!

We wear our redneck badge with honor down here Shellz.
I don't have a crossbow but I do have a compound and a recurve. I use the recurve for this for better close range control.

I haven't set any traps after catching the 5th one, but we've also been closing up the chicken coop at night since the first one tore things up. I may set one this weekend just to see if there are any still around.

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