I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Yeah...I agree with the free ranging of the chickens too Shellz. I do the same thing almost all year long. Got 10 acres and they stay pretty protected between our lower fenced goat pasture and our house on the bottom 5 acres. Got three dogs that patrol and they keep a good lookout. To each their own with how they deal with predators. We are pretty lucky to have an abundance of wildlife for the viewing right outside our windows. Living on a mountain top in Idaho...we are in God's Country up here :)

Chicken 'n goat palace.

View from upper property.

View from my diningroom window.

My morning sunrise view from diningroom window.

View from our shop.

Snow White and her chicks :)

Baby...showing her chicks how to eat and drink :)

Have a great day everyone!
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now those are the one animal i truly hate! destructive, diseased, invasive (where i am), and downright vicious!

good goin getting rid of the nasty bugger!
Yes, I have heard that. I'm sure they carry some nasty parasites too.

I just read something I didn't know about coons. I know most of the diseases they carry & can transmit to other living things, but I didn't know about roundworm. The eggs of this worm are so light, they can become airborne. Real bad news! By inhaling them, they can hatch & migrate to your brain & eyes. Lovely. Stay away from coon poop! Problems (& deaths) came about through folks who kept them as pets & their little ones got to chewing the coon bedding. Ewwww! Then of course there's salmonella, rabies & leptospirosis. All transmittable to humans & other animals alike. Anyway, just thought I'd share this little nature factoid with you all, in case you didn't know this already.

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