I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

I must say, I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread! Thank you OP for starting it!

I just started raising chickens in February. I did a lot of research first, and when I built my run (coop was already here when we moved in, but I did some renovations) I made sure NOTHING could get in there to get my birds. In fact I probably did a little overkill, but oh well. Anyhoo, I have not had to deal with any predators getting my flock, but I have had issues with something getting the chick start. I posted this as the OP of a separate thread, so I won't hijack this one with the details...but wanted to say that this is what brought me to this thread. Based on what I've read, I think the reason my Ninja Raccoon has evaded capture is due to my choice of bait. Since he/she was getting into the chick start every night, that's what I used. I also did not anchor the trap, nor cover the sides, back or top with anything (other than brush to kinda camouflage it). So Ninja Coon would just reach his/her hand through the squares, grab the little plastic container of chick scratch and knock it over. As soon as I read through this entire post, I went out and put together a sort of box to enclose the back end of the trap. Added some weight to the top. Reset the trap using cat food AND marshmallows as bait (overkill? lol). Let's see if I get.

Again, thanks for this thread! Lovin' it!

My Ninja Coon (last night...I didn't camouflage since it hasn't been working anyway):

What I did after reading this thread (the bucket is filled with nails and metal I collected from the yard...previous owners were pigs):

Aw nuts! No, not a dead animal, that's a chunk of wood the fox is sniffing. However, that's where I buried the coon. Guess I didn't put enough lime in the hole before covering it up. Well, at least I don't see foxes during the day. They don't dare with my dogs on patrol. At night chickens are locked up tight. I do have some new coon activity in the chicken yard though. I'm off to set the trap again!
He's definitely gotta have buddies. He was a young'n. So this juvenile had to have some littermates. My 10 year old son begged his dad to dispatch him. First time he's ever killed an animal. Gotta start somewhere though, right? One .22 bullet right in the head. I couldn't believe how mature he was about the whole thing...'cept for maybe a minute afterwards...when he struck up a conversation with the dead raccoon. This is what my son said: "That's what you get, stupid raccoon. Guess you won't be eating my mom's chicken food anymore, are ya? And you'll never be able to kill my mom's chicken's either, will ya? Nope, cuz I shot ya right in the head." Sigh...boys.

This was my first time that I ever skinned a raccoon. I'm a firm believer that if I (or anyone else in my family) take the life of an animal, it will not be tossed aside...with the exception of mice and rats lol. So I hung Ninja Raccoon by his back feet, skinned him, gutted him, and now he's soaking in some water (his meat got a little dirty). I'm gonna cook him up...although I won't eat him. I'm not ready for that yet. I've never had raccoon, and for some reason I'm a bit paranoid about disease...I never think about it when I'm butchering a deer, even though I know they carry disease too...but this raccoon could've had rabies or distemper or worms or who knows what else. I am too scared to eat him. Shame on me, I know. So our chocolate lab, Kalli, will be having raccoon roast for dinner :).
I understand our need to protect the flock, but a more humane approach would be to build and maintain a safe coop for our chickens. Altering the world around our coop would be a never ending task. The Raccoon and other predators are just doing their job and what comes naturally. The Universe has a balance we cannot alter what is around us but we can take control and fix our inability to keep our flock safe. Build a predator proof coop and allow nature to be <3 Just sayin'. Off to put locks on the coop doors and wire over the windows better safe than sorry!
Great job Montana & son!!! Keep at them - there will be more for sure.
Coons out back I'm not so concerned with, but if they make their diseased way to my chicken yard - all bets are off!!! Glad you could make some use out of him. I admire that. Way to go!!!

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