I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Excellent quigley & horses! Just got my trap modified & put out last night. Saw their handiwork 2 nights ago (torn up 1 acre pasture), so didn't expect to have one this morning. They seem to cycle thru every 2 or 3 days back there. Just reset it & put out a scattered trail of dog kibble. Here's hoping!

Wood panels glued together on back & 2 sides. Slips over the back of the trap. Big bucket full of water on top anchors it in place.

Yay, the new set up worked! Got this big boar coon. He was real heavy! Body count - 3 so far this season.
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I have never been much of a hunter, but, I have shot 5 coons in the last week. I can't relocate, either. So I decided it was them or my ladies. We lived on 72 acres and never had coons. Now we live on five acres and the coons are terrible. I use the live trap to catch and then practice my aim. I'm getting pretty good
. Thanks for all the great thoughts and suggestions. I am new to BYC this is my first post.
Anyone that thinks they don't have raccoons is kidding themselves. Unless they're south of the Panama Canal, north of the Arctic circle or high elevation in the Rockies.
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I have gone two nights without a raccoon in my trap, however, I can see footprints in the pen area. I will try another spot for the trap with marshmallows this time! Thanks for the good suggestions!!
Aw gilmer, don't you just hate when they give you that look? Almost makes it too hard to off them. Almost ;)

debbb, if marshmallows don't work, try something else. Eventually they won't be able to resist! Something really sweet or really smelly like canned seafood or cat food. Hope you get 'em!

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