I culled yesterday.


Dances with Chickens
14 Years
Feb 24, 2009
Strasburg Ohio
Well, this has been a rough week in my chicken world.......I lost a chicken to a predator this past Sunday, and then last night, I culled my rooster. I noticed him sneezing just a little bit about three days ago. Didn't think much of it, because, after all, we all sneeze sometimes. Then the next day, I noticed it was more frequent. Finally on the third day, which was yesterday, he sounded bad. I knew something was wrong. I made the decision to cull, because, I've dealt with illnesses before, and I used to be all about treating the chicken and bringing it back to health. But I have changed. Now I realize that you will just prolong sickness and you will have carriers of the illness within your flock. So I made the decision to cull him. And I handled it myself, very quickly with a hatchet.

Such an ugly thing to have to do, but I believe it was necessary for the good of the flock. I'm not a happy camper, but I'll live.

Needed to share.....
poor guy...but like you said it was the best thing.
I am giving you a very big mental hug!! I had to cull my fav. rooster a few months ago, due to a horrible infection on his face. No one did tell me what it was, and I just figured it out yesterday, and of course, don't remember the name. I also had to cull a RIR yesterday, due to crop stasis.... I am very sorry for your loss....
OH, I needed that hug so much! Thank you. It's the third time I've had to cull in three years. Not a good feeling, but necessary.

Hugs to you as well! So sorry about your losses too!

Thank you! I do think it was best....for the sake of the flock....

x2 You did the right thing. If it had gotten out of control into the rest of your flock...it wouldve been a nightmare for you. I wish you the best.
Thank you! I do think it was best....for the sake of the flock....

x2 You did the right thing. If it had gotten out of control into the rest of your flock...it wouldve been a nightmare for you. I wish you the best.

Thank you, Dawg! That means alot coming from you.

I think you did a brave thing. I couldn't do it - I've lost two hens to unknown causes and it tore up the whole family. Am currently spending big bucks with the vet to keep a third hen going after a bout with egg yolf peritonitis. I totally understand your decision.

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