I DARE you.

Who wouldn't love that face.
How old?
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Yeah, mine do the shoe thing... but then they make The Face.. dangit.
Vacuum wise... mine aren't smart enough to go for the cord. The doxies just run in circles barking like loons.
Mattie, my brave Chi/Terrier Mutt is the one that goes in for the kill... and pulls the 'nose' off the end.

But darned if I can't stop LAUGHING when they do... so of course they never learn not to do it.

I'm such a pushover. *sigh*

As cranky as I sound when I'm complaining, I'm an optimist.
And I get really cranky with pessimists... OMG, I won't go on but boy oh boy...

Sometimes I figure while some think my being easily amused is pathetic, that it's actually a gift.
The fact that a stupid joke that a five year old gets makes me giggle... OMG I love a good pun... and takes me out of a funk... that's priceless.

Many many people are not so lucky.
Apparently you need one of these too?

And how about one of these?

From this guy - he makes everyone feel happy with his puppy kisses and all.


With babies and pups..all is right with the world.....hmmm something positive???? After a glass or two of the bubbly I should be able to come up with a whole bunch! Did someone say Pollyanna?????
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