I did a so called free range!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rooster brandon.

9 Years
Sep 10, 2010
Kodak, by knoxville
Ok i am so happy i opened the door.And 5 of them came out willingly i did not make them or keep the other three inside!But that was awesome to see they came out and some how found my stash of bread that i save for them but they liked it
they only went about 5 to 15 feet away from the run.And guess what happened after that of course the neighbors chickens saw bread and they came running!So i said shew shew back in the coop chickies and they al went running into the run
............................................I want to thank all of you for helping me get the courage to do that oh and a plus that black dog was over there and i said get and he took of
but there was a lost beagle that was mean to the girls!So i chased him of and he has not come back.................... Basically this is not a question but more of a thank you all for helping me!
our yard is fenced, but i was so worried teh first time i let my girls out. i knew that for sure, they would somehow fly over the fence and be gone forever. now every day i go out there and they are waiting at the gate, pushing past me to get out:) congrats!

I love seeing my girls free-range

Soon they'll be all throughout your yard
When I first let mine out they wouldn't leave the coop and were scared of the opening. Only a week+ later they were running all over the yard and woods. I lost some before I stopped them
But they had a great time nevertheless

Yeah its a rush letting them out. They look so great on the open range. I love watching them go exploring. I still only let mine out when I'm there, but since they are in a tractor they have access to fresh pasture during all daylight hours. There is always the threat of predators though, whether domestic (dogs, etc) or wild. It was pretty amazing to watch them run for cover when a hawk took a dive.
Enjoy watching their antics while they are out and about!
My 7 12 week olds have been doing some limited free ranging for a couple of weeks now. I let them out for a couple of hours when the dogs are confined in the house. Not brave enough to do a face to face with the dogs yet (me not the chicks).

When it is windy, they hang back in the run, but on nice days they are all over the yard (in a little cluster, they don't get too far apart). My husband noticed the nice work they do around the base of the trees and he is looking forward to easier mowing next summer. so far they have gone back in when I've coaxed them with treats or "bocked" at them.

I love watching them scratch around and chase the bugs. Chicken TV.
We have a 2 year old Dachshund who seems like he will be ok, but I'm afraid he will want to "play" with the chickens, and we know who will come out of that whole and complete! I'm planning a face 2 face (on a leash) again later in the week. I'm just not sure we will ever be able to completely trust him, and I'm not willing to risk the life of one of my girls.

The elderly golden retriever will probably be ok, but.... The equally elderly shorthair pointer is completely untrustworthy and will require constant supervision if we ever let him out with the chickens. both of the older dogs are 13, though so they are slowing down.

My sister's normally well behaved dogs ganged up on a poor guinea hen the other week.
You are wise to be careful.
I would be cautious with a full blooded dachound. They are pretty fiesty. I have a beagle and a beagle/dachound mix that get along with the chickens well. I am usually home when they are out, if I'm not at home I ran to the store a minute. My doggies have taken a liking to chicken poo and I'm worried about it making them sick. I keep the doggies out of the run but there's not much I can do when they freerange.
I let my 9 girls and 1 rooster out every afternoon for a couple of hours while I clean the coop/run and fill the waterers and feeders. I used to really worry about a dog coming up on the property, or a feral cat, hawk, etc. and then there's the times that the chickens insist on feeding right next to the street in front of the house while cars zoom by at a mile a minute. It really will drive you nuts if you obsess about it, but I can't imagine NOT giving them their range time...they really appreciate their freedom and you can sense their joy as they walk around foraging, gossiping, dust bathing, etc. At ten minutes after sunset, they fall in line and file back into the coop for a cool drink, some chicken food, and a good night's sleep.
I just decided one day to let them be chickens and let the chips fall where they may. Sure, something bad might happen eventually, but the thought of keeping the chickens in a cage all day, every day, is not an idea that appeals to me, and if that's the way it had to be, I'd sell the lot and find something else to do with my time.

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