I did it! Jody, Lisas and Leah lookie at my babies!

Yep, Katie--(DD) is going to have a hard time getting these away from me! She was the lucky one who came to the house Friday to check on them while I was at work.

They had started pippin Thursday nite so she came down Friday and then called me at work--

Katie--Mom, you have GOT to come home NOW! I'm afraid to look again! They are EVERYWHERE!

Mom--Calm down, take a breath and don't worry. Now walk over to the bator and look again--DO NOT open it!!

Katie--They are puffy!!! They look like owls!! They have huge heads!! Are they OK??

Mom--I don't know--are they walking around, are they peeping, DON't OPEN IT!

and so I spent the rest of the day at work worrying and kicking myself cause I hadn't called in sick!

Love this hatching!
congrats~!~! but are u sure all those yellow ones are EEs? EEs usually have chipmunk stripes and green legs......idk

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