Try 2 coops , 36 acres of walking in the snow each day after work to check the fence for the horses , plus hauling at least 6 buckets (5 gallon ones ) each day to the watering trough for the horses . The low here most winters is -20 but mostly around 10 f without wind chill....sloshing water...get used to it.....it's gonna happen at least once a day if you want chickens . I forgot to mention :barniethat after all of that I build the fire , clean the kitchen , and make dinner after a 10 hr day of working construction . Nice this winter ....can't do anything ...no work and have to have surgery on my hands .
I'm down to one horse and I bring him hot water at night and because it's going to be so cold this time he's getting a hot bran mash too. You are right about horses being a lot of work. So, since I'm hauling for the horse, the hens will get warm water.

And in a month or so we'll have hot water in the barn. After 20 years of hauling by hand, do I deserve that or what?
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I feel for you people. We still haven't taken our sweaters and blankets out of storage.

It is supposed to rain for Thanksgiving, and I can't remember the last time it rained. I think it was in June or July.

Some winters we never even have to light the heater. I guess that makes up for Phoenix's 120 degree summers.

Today, I took my full hot tea kettle out there and poured water in the waterer.
Melted that ice right down to luke warm water.

(Okay, fine- I also made the girls hot oatmeal...)

I was very proud of this mornings' ingeniousness.
I have a 100 ft. hose real close to my coops and I refill waters sometimes twice a day . I would kill myself trying to carry water containers , esp. in frozen temps .
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That's on my list this coming summer!! DH won't let me string an electrical cord...says it's too dangerous

WE have a 200 ft. HEAVY DUTY extenstion cord strung out and elevated thru the roof system of the runs so it can not be reached by chickens . It controls the light inside the RUNS , light inside the COOP and ALSO our total eelctric hot wire that is around the whole perimeter of the yard and the coops and runs .

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