I do not understand people! and how they can lie.

They are going after you for practicing Animal Husbandry--in a very small way you are--about the same amount as someone with a small vegetable garden is farming. In a very general sense they are not wrong, but the scope is very different.

I don't agree...if they don't define livestock....all she has to say is that they're pets, not livestock. If livestock isn't defined as including poultry they can't just say it does....it has to be in writing in the ordinances.

Have any appropriately aged kids join 4H or FFA, and provide some of that information.

I dont' think I would do that.....part of the point of 4H and FFA is to promote farming and animal husbandry....when the board doesn't want them to practice "animal husbandry." I would be doing what I could to represent them as pets.

I agree that they don't have a leg to stand on if that is all that it says about "chickens"​
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Holly, my town does not include chickens in the definition of livestock (unfortunately they dredged up a separate and obscure ordinance prohibiting chickens but that's another as yet unresolved story). Anyway, there may be some wiggle room here, in addition to all else you have going for you in this situation....
Are you able to post or send me a complete copy of the ordinances in question?

I would think as long as you are not breeding the birds, you are not engaging in "husbandry" (or "wifery" for that matter).

Look up the definition in Websters. If the term is not defined in the ordinance, you look to the "common and ordinary meaning", and the dictionary is the first place to look. Usually there will be several definitions listed.
My Chickens all have names and I have them as pets.

I never received the reasons to the complaints.

Financially reimbursed any expenses occurred due to this fiasco, Lawyer fees. Re homing ext. What ever costs me money to do.

I also never received the minutes to the last meeting. Where the original complaints where brought up.

You might ask the powers that be, particularly the city attorney and that officious cop, if they are familiar with the terms "abuse of process" and "malicious prosecution". Or better yet, have your attorney do it. Have him explain in simple language what those terms mean. You would have grounds for a lawsuit. Even though you may not intend to file one, they do not need to know that. It would do them good to sweat a little.

Thank you for the suggestion.

My next thought is ... People with pet , dogs, cats, birds, ext. There pets sometimes get Pregnant and have offspring that they will sell. It's a form of husbandry.

I hope I made sense here ... I'm just trying to answer some of the questions ...lol​
I think a lot of it has to do with the purpose you have for your chickens, or for that matter any other animal. In general livestock are kept as an economic endeavor; pets are kept for companionship. Yes, livestock can provide companionship and pets can provide an economic gain, but those are side benefits. The reason you have them is what determines which they are.

However, you do need to look through the ordinances and see if either of these terms are defined.
Is there a way to look up meeting minutes online? I don't know how far in the darkages your township is, but it is worth a shot if the have a town website. I know I can look up town meeting minutes online, which is why I ask.

If you can't then just keep bugging them until they get tired of hearing you ask and just give it to you.
I don't agree...if they don't define livestock....all she has to say is that they're pets, not livestock. If livestock isn't defined as including poultry they can't just say it does....it has to be in writing in the ordinances.

Have any appropriately aged kids join 4H or FFA, and provide some of that information.

I dont' think I would do that.....part of the point of 4H and FFA is to promote farming and animal husbandry....when the board doesn't want them to practice "animal husbandry." I would be doing what I could to represent them as pets.

I agree that they don't have a leg to stand on if that is all that it says about "chickens"​

I've read the whole thread, and since this is almost exactly what I intended to say, I'll just quote it and say DITTO!!!
And DITTO on this, too. This is the real crux of the matter - if you are not taking your chicken expenses as a TAX DEDUCTION with an INTENT to make money on them as a "small home business", then they are a hobby/pets with some potential economic gain (selling a few eggs, or at least not having to buy them yourself!).

I thought about taking my chickens as a tax deduction, because when I got them I did intend to (hopefully) make some money selling eggs. With job losses and the economy, I figured I would also be more self-sufficient with chickens and a garden. I have pretty much decided against taking a tax deduction for my "chicken business" because I don't want to be on the USDA's radar when all the stupid legislation comes down the pipeline...

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