I try to re-use things at home, so when we took the top of my deck down, I used the boards in my chicken house as a roost. I left a couple of large cup hooks on it, because they were handy for putting things on when I'm out there....I didnt think it was any big deal???
Tonight, I had already laid down for the night, when I decided to go out and do one more check of the coops out in the pet area, and to look in the brooder at the 2 new chickies my Dark Cornish insisted on hatching yesterday.....I was pretty surprised to see my one and only Black Copper Marans Rooster hanging by his leg, his zip tied ankle was caught on the Cup Hook!! He was very calm, and let me lift him off the hook and settle him on the shelf...he doesnt seem injured, except maybe his pride, but I'll check him over in the morning....
I used the zip ties to mark everyone who had been dusted and wormed for fall....but I may need another method! And now I think I'm pretty stupid for leaving the cup hook on the board, where a chicken may get hurt! It's like having little children around all over again, they get into and onto everything!! How can I keep them all safe?? Who would think a cup hook on a board would be such an issue. Thanks for listening, I felt pretty bad seeing him there, and it was a fluke I even went back out tonight, you know?
Tonight, I had already laid down for the night, when I decided to go out and do one more check of the coops out in the pet area, and to look in the brooder at the 2 new chickies my Dark Cornish insisted on hatching yesterday.....I was pretty surprised to see my one and only Black Copper Marans Rooster hanging by his leg, his zip tied ankle was caught on the Cup Hook!! He was very calm, and let me lift him off the hook and settle him on the shelf...he doesnt seem injured, except maybe his pride, but I'll check him over in the morning....
I used the zip ties to mark everyone who had been dusted and wormed for fall....but I may need another method! And now I think I'm pretty stupid for leaving the cup hook on the board, where a chicken may get hurt! It's like having little children around all over again, they get into and onto everything!! How can I keep them all safe?? Who would think a cup hook on a board would be such an issue. Thanks for listening, I felt pretty bad seeing him there, and it was a fluke I even went back out tonight, you know?