I dont know if eggs will stay alive!!!

Nov 25, 2017
My mallard is currently laying eggs. I live in kansas and it still gets below freezing here at night, she isnt sitting yet because she doesnt have a full clutch, uf the eggs freeze will she still be able to hatch them?
If they freeze, she will not be able to hatch them. The eggs might crack and or burst open. Eggs here freeze and crack open at 30F if not collected with in 1-3 hours after laid. If and when she starts setting on the eggs, check them daily for cracks, and candle them to see if any are developing. It's best to check her nest when she is out eating. It's always best to give the benefit of the doubt!
If they freeze, she will not be able to hatch them. The eggs might crack and or burst open. Eggs here freeze and crack open at 30F if not collected with in 1-3 hours after laid. If and when she starts setting on the eggs, check them daily for cracks, and candle them to see if any are developing. It's best to check her nest when she is out eating. It's always best to give the benefit of the doubt!

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