I don't know what I'm going to do

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I am in the country... more like on the top of a mountain, on the side of a valley in the woods. No real jobs around other than family ran bars a few miles down the road, and a small family ran store that's about ran to the ground. They barely hire out of their family or I would have gotten a job with teh store years ago as a teen.
Do you have insurance through his work?
It might be a good idea to contact the HR admin and let them know that he's not to cancel you!
I'm so incredibly sorry that this is happening to you. If I was there I'd give you a big
! Sounds like God gave you a baby so you wouldn't be alone after hubby left. Having the courage to do what all you're going to have to do with hubby being gone will make you a much stronger person/mother. It's better that he left now, rather than make your marriage miserable, which would affect the baby. I'd much rather be happy alone than miserable together any day. I'll be praying for you dear - I can't even begin to fathom how you're feeling right now - I'd be feeling the exact way if it happened to me. This too shall pass - you have a beautiful baby coming that is a blessing from God. Time will heal your heart and another door will open for you when the time is right.
thank you. I will try looking into it. I know he will do his part financially I do trust him to do that. He's already offering me money to keep me a float here. I feel like trash taking it, but as my mom says he owes me it so take it. I only took 50 from him for food,he wanted to give me more but I guess when I need more then I'll ask for more. I wish I drove... i wish i had a CAR to start driving. All around this sucks bad.
Yes I do. I told him that by divorcing me more than likely it will tear me out of the insurance, and he said that he will find out for sure and if it does he will wait until the baby is born and I assume just put the baby on it which is fine.
I'm so sorry. Once you let all the pain and hurt out, you eventually will find your feet and stand up again, proud. This will make you a STRONG woman, not one afraid to drive anymore (because you will have to drive your child to the doctor, to school, etc.), and able to handle everything for your child's sake.

This won't happen immediately, but please know that it will.
Yes, what she said. People can only ise you as a doormat if you lay down and let them. Get mad. Never mind begging the jerk to come back. He's not worth it.
I agree with getting an attorney, some will even do a consult over the phone if you cant get to them. I also suggest you go to the local health dept/DFACS (Dept Family And Children services) to see if you qualify for any help. You can do this, just think that the baby needs moma to be strong, and he doesnt deserve you if he is going to treat you that way.
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