i dont know what to do or where to post anconas are attacking my roo

Overcrowding on AREA isn't always the problem. If you only have one feeder or several feeders too close together, they can be 'overcrowded' because the more dominant birds will push away the less dominant. Also, housing space, roosting space and watering space can be issues all in the same way. If for some reason the anconas feel they need to defend their right to the food/water/housing, then they will. Just because they have lots of floor space doesn't always mean that you will eliminate issues. Spreading feed, water, and housing over a larger area by offering multiple sources for them can help.
hmmm, thats a thought. there is only 1 waterer, but its big, i thought it was adequate, but maybe not. i really suspect it has something to do with the rooster beining to crow. they were fine, but now the rooster is asserting his dominance, and i dont think the ducks like that, maybe they feel they should be on the top of the pile.
but im sending hubby to get another waterer, and swim tub too. as of right now weve penned off the ducks into one side of the run. they have access to the small older house and the chickens are sealed off and have access to the larger new chicken house.
see they even have 2 houses to choose from , but they still hate the roosters.
ok, update! well we got a new 5 galon waterer, and while filling it we let everyone out in the yard together. we had locked up the ducks last night, which they did not like, and there was very little totall anarchy ! they got along pretty well. but poor spooky roo must have been love starved because he attempted to mount every hen he saw.
so we put them in the run all together again when the waterer was filled and placed in the opposite corner of the existing one and the swim tub. lo and behold, very little fighting. i was out there all morning so far, staining a wooden trash can holder. and i watched them. not much trouble.
now were in and doing school, and were keeping our ears peeled, so to speak .

maybe it was the waterer, maybe they worked it out? who knows, but i hope its over.

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