I don't want my dog anymore . . .

Thank you. The dog is not really up for adoption, I'm just letting off steam.

He is my daughter's dog. A mature teenager that has done quite a bit of training with poodles, our own and others. Nevertheless, this is a commitment I made WITH her. Her education is the most important, even if I have to put up with llama poop. Well, actually . . .

It turns out that it isn't llama poop. The "other" neighbors -- who are new, evil and wicked, doused the dog with Fish fertilizer. I just got clued in from my close neighbor. I'll have to think about that . . . they've come on my property before. They've only been here six months and they've made quite a bad name for themselves in our long established neighborhood.

Anyway, the dog is here to stay, but I maintain the right to moan and whine and @#$%&

Moan and whine away. We all need to vent sometimes. I know I get frusrated with ours. I have a cat on my lap right now who is holding my keyboard so I can type. I reckon of she don' mind neither do I. I was hoping it would make her go lay on one of the grandsons that are all over the couches asleep. No luck there. I just love to watch he puppy and cat pester them while they're asleep. It's payback for when i'm trying to sleep and they refuse to be quiet.

I saw somebody said they discovered they are allergic to dogs, (i think thats what it was anyway). Try being allergic to chicken dander or dust. What ever it's called.
Whats worse, I am constantly hatching chicks so I stay stopped up and sneezing. The prices we pay for doing what we enjoy.
I'm afraid I'm not that lucky. Meet Pixel:


In this particular picture, he had just finished ripping open a bag of potting soil and scattering it liberally all over the back bedroom of my aunt's house (we rented it from her briefly while we were looking for a place to buy).

Pixel likes our bed. But he doesn't like my husband. As such, he has spent a great deal of time trying to replace my husband's scent with his own. I'm sure you can probably guess how.
Now that we have a new baby, though, the little terror seems to have lost interest in trying to claim our bed as his own and has taken up a new hobby: stealing the baby's pacifiers. And toys. And diapers.

We have attempted to dissuade him from a few of these habits by providing him with enrichment activities and ensuring that his environment is as relaxing as possible. Fennec Foxes are burrowing foxes, so we bought him several different "dens" to sleep in. He booted the poor cats off of the cat tower so he could sleep on the very top shelf. We got toys that make him work to get treats. He empties them in a matter of minutes. Fennec Foxes are native to the Sahara and sub-Sahara regions in northern Africa so we got him sand to dig in. He tried to eat it instead. He does his digging in our carpet.

Oh, and every time he goes to see the V-E-T, he hops up onto the counter and sprawls across the computer's keyboard. If anyone tries to move him, he screams or growls at them.

So, umm, anyone wanna trade?
I'm allergic to chickens, too. Dander/dust, whatever, eggs -- if I touch the white or egg I break out in hives, and chicken meat -- have a very difficult time breathing.

I have yet to NOT be allergic to something I've been tested for. (The list of allergies is exceedingly long.)

*sigh* I can't even think of anything to whine about, now.
I'm afraid I'm not that lucky. Meet Pixel:


In this particular picture, he had just finished ripping open a bag of potting soil and scattering it liberally all over the back bedroom of my aunt's house (we rented it from her briefly while we were looking for a place to buy).

Pixel likes our bed. But he doesn't like my husband. As such, he has spent a great deal of time trying to replace my husband's scent with his own. I'm sure you can probably guess how.
Now that we have a new baby, though, the little terror seems to have lost interest in trying to claim our bed as his own and has taken up a new hobby: stealing the baby's pacifiers. And toys. And diapers.

We have attempted to dissuade him from a few of these habits by providing him with enrichment activities and ensuring that his environment is as relaxing as possible. Fennec Foxes are burrowing foxes, so we bought him several different "dens" to sleep in. He booted the poor cats off of the cat tower so he could sleep on the very top shelf. We got toys that make him work to get treats. He empties them in a matter of minutes. Fennec Foxes are native to the Sahara and sub-Sahara regions in northern Africa so we got him sand to dig in. He tried to eat it instead. He does his digging in our carpet.

Oh, and every time he goes to see the V-E-T, he hops up onto the counter and sprawls across the computer's keyboard. If anyone tries to move him, he screams or growls at them.

So, umm, anyone wanna trade?

He looks like a BAT-Poodle hybrid. So sorry. I suppose he uses his sonar to pin point your exact location for acts of sabotage.
I'm afraid I'm not that lucky. Meet Pixel:


In this particular picture, he had just finished ripping open a bag of potting soil and scattering it liberally all over the back bedroom of my aunt's house (we rented it from her briefly while we were looking for a place to buy).

Oh, and every time he goes to see the V-E-T, he hops up onto the counter and sprawls across the computer's keyboard. If anyone tries to move him, he screams or growls at them.

So, umm, anyone wanna trade?

But he is sooooooo cute!
You could whine about how late it is. I am not sure what time it is where you are from but it is 12:35 at my house. So you can use my time if you want. It really is your dog's fault that I am up this late because your post made me laugh, so I had to read all 13 pages.
You've nailed it. First he plots with the ferret. Then he locates the target. Then he lulls you into a false sense of security by pretending to be adorable.


By the time you've regained your wits it's already too late. Evil little creature!
I'm afraid I'm not that lucky. Meet Pixel:


In this particular picture, he had just finished ripping open a bag of potting soil and scattering it liberally all over the back bedroom of my aunt's house (we rented it from her briefly while we were looking for a place to buy).

Pixel likes our bed. But he doesn't like my husband. As such, he has spent a great deal of time trying to replace my husband's scent with his own. I'm sure you can probably guess how.
Now that we have a new baby, though, the little terror seems to have lost interest in trying to claim our bed as his own and has taken up a new hobby: stealing the baby's pacifiers. And toys. And diapers.

We have attempted to dissuade him from a few of these habits by providing him with enrichment activities and ensuring that his environment is as relaxing as possible. Fennec Foxes are burrowing foxes, so we bought him several different "dens" to sleep in. He booted the poor cats off of the cat tower so he could sleep on the very top shelf. We got toys that make him work to get treats. He empties them in a matter of minutes. Fennec Foxes are native to the Sahara and sub-Sahara regions in northern Africa so we got him sand to dig in. He tried to eat it instead. He does his digging in our carpet.

Oh, and every time he goes to see the V-E-T, he hops up onto the counter and sprawls across the computer's keyboard. If anyone tries to move him, he screams or growls at them.

So, umm, anyone wanna trade?

He looks like a BAT-Poodle hybrid. So sorry. I suppose he uses his sonar to pin point your exact location for acts of sabotage.


I was thinking nearly the same thing. Along the lines of, "Look at those EARS!"
The cute is a lie. Sometimes his true nature would show through when he was a baby (before he got his "poker face" down). See?
You've nailed it. First he plots with the ferret. Then he locates the target. Then he lulls you into a false sense of security by pretending to be adorable.


By the time you've regained your wits it's already too late. Evil little creature!

Put some leather-like wings on him and you could pass him off for batdog.
He is cute.

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