I don't want my dog anymore . . .

I gave away a dog I couldn't handle, didn't feel bad about it at all. He went to a good home and nice people. I now have NO dogs, no kids to wash them. So no dogs, no extra meds to buy and a lot happier.
Sophie (SP) and Chloe (Labradoodle) (not related) - just checking in to see what the bashing is all about!



I just adopted a new puppy a month ago- a chihuahua/shihtzu mix. This puppy is stupid, ugly, and impossible to potty train. He pees about every 12 seconds. However, after reading this thread, I can say "Well, at least he's not a poodle."
Thank you for posting your criminals!

(Psst, the bashing is affection in disguise -- don't let it get back to the poodles. If they hear of it, with their wits, they may plot and strategize to accomplish things we mere humans are not quite prepared for.)
This is our Standard Poodle, Sammie:

He is a wonderful dog. Poodles are non-allergenic. He is not allowed on the furniture and he (almost always) obeys that rule. He only eats chocolate he finds on the floor (he ate half my chocolate bar I'd left under the bed once.) When he stinks we wash him, which he endures miserably. He sleeps on the floor in my room.

I am sorry that your dog is such a bother. I would definitely consider selling him if your daughter is not heartbroken by it. If you do sell him, why not think about purchasing another poodle? Perhaps a Miniature Poodle would be less trouble. It would also be good to buy it young (but not a puppy) so you can teach it some manners. Good luck!
As a member of the dog rescue community....
I would say contact the local standard poodle rescue (you can google it) and turn the dog over to them.
They have ways/people to work with dogs with all types of issues.

He/she will end up with a home where someone can work with him/her.
The OP does not want to get rid of her dog, she just is having a rough time with this dog right now. Just like we all have when working and living with pets. I have a dog that can use the dog door on the baby gate but will set and whine until I open the big gate for him. Just because at the moment I would like to fry him does not mean I don't love him. This was written with tongue in cheek which if you read the whole thread your would have seen. The many times that the OP posted she did want to get rid of the dog just vent.
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got it

Read part then jumped to the end... should have read more... my bad.

Sounds like we all love our dogs, but hate them at the same time.
Sorry, to have jumped in without reading all of it.
Schellie 69, thank you for explaining!

I don't generally enjoy looking at pictures of other people's dogs, but the pictures in this thread have made me absolutely smile. They are beautiful animals! It is so nice to know there are level-headed and balanced people out their with regards to animals. On neither extreme of being an abusive/neglectful owner nor being the "I'm-a-better-animal-owner-than-you-will-ever-be type". Animals aren't perfect, neither are the humans they train.

We all have ups and downs. Weathering through with grace is my goal.

Now, please resume the poodle bashing -- and more pics!


Yes, poodles and a few other breeds are supposed to be less of a problem allergy wise, but I am still very sick from him. I require shots at the hospital every two weeks to breath.

I won't address the rest of your post, as schellie69 already did.

Enjoy your poodle. (I'd invite you to join the poodle bashing in this thread, but your guy seems to perfect by your description.

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