I FINALLY broke down and got a chicken!

Looks like she won't eat much.
I should be so lucky!

Not hijacking, I have 12 Delaware Blues in the bator! If they look that pretty I will be mighty happy!

Wifezilla, that is really pretty!
They didn't have any ducks?
She's a beauty! My mother bought me one similar to her, but the ceramic was over terracotta, and I left it out in the garden too long, the ceramic cracked and flaked off. So I guess I'll just let it all fall off and I'll have a terracotta hen
I love the color of that hen, I wish I could breed them that color. Do you think she's purebred? Maybe one of those fancy european hens. Probably dutch. She sits so still that if you can get any fertile eggs she's bound to go broody.

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