I found mites on an egg and believe they are on the combs of at least two of my hens. :(

I have gotten really lucky when it comes to disease.... once, a broody hen left her eggs, and there were tiny bigs EVERYWHERE. I didn't clean it up, (I should have) but they all disappeared. All of my chickens stayed perfectly healthy.
I have gotten really lucky when it comes to disease.... once, a broody hen left her eggs, and there were tiny bigs EVERYWHERE. I didn't clean it up, (I should have) but they all disappeared. All of my chickens stayed perfectly healthy.
I’m hoping never to see another crawling thing on or around my chickens....wishful thinking. :D
Sick chickens are the last birds that should be bathed, it's just one more major stress that they won't be able to handle. Spray at night while they are roosting; easy and effective, and not too hard on them. Mary
I so agree with this and cannot stress enough how dangerous it is to bathe one that's even a little sick or run down by mites and/or lice, especially this time of year. :(

Get permethrin spray or permethrin dust that's labeled for use in poultry.
If you us dust, WEAR A N95 FACE MASK, at least. Breathing any dust product is bad for your lungs!!!
I find spray much easier to apply, and much less messy. After dusting 45 birds individually without an adequate face mask, and avoiding a hospital stay (barely) I discovered Gordon's spray concentrate. So much less expensive, and easier to use!
I doubt that Poultry Protector will be anywhere close to as effective, and potassium sorbate isn't that harmless anyway.
How can something, anything, kill bugs and be non-toxic??? Mary
I tried poultry protector for lice and it did nothing. :(

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