I got a new live trap...Update: new cam

This post blisters my hide!!!! Not sure how I would handle it, would more than likely land me in jail
I guess the cam is the best way...hope you catch the horses a#$!!!
Wouldn't we all love to see a pic of some stupid thieving neighbor with a suprised look on their face. Be sure and post it for us if you get one...
Last night, er early this morning I got quite a few pix of the roosters checking it out

I erased all those and re set it for tonight. I padlocked it to a cattle panel (no trees avaliable) but the wire is pretty darn thick you'd need some MEGA bolt cutters to get it off. Here's hoping.
I couldn't find a serial number on the camera either, you know, to write down just in case I needed to file a police report later. grr

The serial number is inside where the batteries go. It should also be on the box. Unfortunately the serial number is only a paper sticker that is easily removed. I keep thinking I should engrave it on into the plastic case on mine ~ but I haven't yet.
Good luck catching the thief, but on a side note that camera is gonna get stolen, as soon as it flashes they are gonna know they have been made and they wont leave without it.
Ok I guess I didn't notice it when I put the batteries in. I had to raid one of my Maglights coz I only bought a 4pack of batteries and it took 6

The kind of theives I'm dealing with would probably have it in the pawn shop before they even thought to look under the batteries for a sticker......
Ok I guess I didn't notice it when I put the batteries in. I had to raid one of my Maglights coz I only bought a 4pack of batteries and it took 6

The kind of theives I'm dealing with would probably have it in the pawn shop before they even thought to look under the batteries for a sticker......

Or.........They might think its some sort of web cam (with flash) and run away without it. Lets hope they're really stupid....
Go with the camera...you might do something stupid if you saw them stealing something and actually had a gun in hand. Unless you live in Texas!
Is it easily noticed in the daytime? You may want to disguise it so they won't see it during the day and take it down before the raiding starts. You never know they may "stake out" the property while there is still daylight...

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