I got a new live trap...Update: new cam

I am with ya', course my some days are most days
You might want to invest in a solar powered, motion sensored flood light. That way the light would blind the thieves to any red or other flash from the camera. Set the light above the camera, and when it goes off, they will be looking in that direction. Smile pretty....
Last night, er early this morning I got quite a few pix of the roosters checking it out

I erased all those and re set it for tonight. I padlocked it to a cattle panel (no trees avaliable) but the wire is pretty darn thick you'd need some MEGA bolt cutters to get it off. Here's hoping.
I couldn't find a serial number on the camera either, you know, to write down just in case I needed to file a police report later. grr

The serial number is inside where the batteries go. It should also be on the box. Unfortunately the serial number is only a paper sticker that is easily removed. I keep thinking I should engrave it on into the plastic case on mine ~ but I haven't yet.

Better yet, engrave your name, and do it both somewhere obvious and also somewhere not obvious.
I hadn't even taken the mini trap out of the inside of it yet! It was so new that I still have the receipt floating around in the passenger seat of my truck!

My old live trap has been out there for several months, but I guess a shiny new one was just too tempting??? Some days I can't stand humans

I think the question THe Fox is really asking is whether an animal could have hauled it off, and you never really answered his question. Any reason to suspect a human for the hen versus an animal?
HA! that is a great idea!! All they would see is the bright light, and probably wouldn't even notice the camera...not to mention having a nice, lit-up pic.

Hmmm, going to file that away in my brain vault for later, I think.
I hadn't even taken the mini trap out of the inside of it yet! It was so new that I still have the receipt floating around in the passenger seat of my truck!

My old live trap has been out there for several months, but I guess a shiny new one was just too tempting??? Some days I can't stand humans

I think the question THe Fox is really asking is whether an animal could have hauled it off, and you never really answered his question. Any reason to suspect a human for the hen versus an animal?

Oh I have another thread about the hen, before I noticed the trap missing too.
I didn't find any point of entry to the coop/pen, no noticible amount of feathers, and no body - I've always been able to tell when I've lost birds before. Also one of my bolt snaps that holds the gate shut was put on backwards - I noticed that before I even noticed anything missing, coz it was hard to get off and I remember thinking "hmmm that's odd"

Besides the traps and hen being missing I had a metal broom handle that we used to dispatch roos last Tuesday night. I put it beside the trap and told my sister "no one would steal a broomstick" ---- but the dang broomstick is also missing
Who steals a broom handle? Anyway, the trap was not baited or set so the door was closed, and like I said the smaller trap was still inside of it - not much chance of a 4-legged varmit hauling it off.
I have a Moultrie game cam and the serial number is imprinted on the pics when it takes one. Also, you can go thru the settings and it tells you on the display screen. Hope you catch them!!

Wow so sorry.DH and I had looked at the same one's this year.We have one Havahart but it's getting a bit old and rusty.We caught one coon and it did roll the whole thing down hill once and escaped. So sorry you have such petty thieves in your area.We pretty much can leave just about anything out here.No one has bothered anything.A fox/coyote or maybe even Coon could possibly drag the trap for a certain distance per say if back leg or something was caught.I set mine now inside unused run or backayard no way they can get too far if partialy caught.

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