I Got Impaled by a Hawk While Saving my Chicken!

Can I just say something? I know that it can be a bit scary and everything but man! That is so cool! I mean 1. you saved your chicken 2. YOU HELD A LIVE HAWK 3. You got impaled by a hawk (Yes, that isn't fun but it is a cool story. Plus not many people get impleaded by a hawk. That is how I am looking at it, not because you got hurt but because it is so rare) :eek:
Hey daughter... remember that time you saved a chicken from a hawk, then I saved you from a hawk... then threw that hawk over the fence?

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Impressive. That hawk was lucky it was you that extracted it—legal issues or no, instinct would have taken over and I'd have taken its head off!
So we had just let out our three chickens (Scarlet, GJ, and Twilight) my dad @Nifty-Chicken went inside and I was feeding them some wheat seeds when a Red Tailed Hawk came out of nowhere and started attacking Scarlet! My baby! My little one! My only thought process was “save Scarlet” I wasn’t even thinking about myself so I ran to the hawk and grabbed it! As I was pulling it off my chicken it dug it’s claws in my right hand! My left hand holding it’s right wing! The whole time screaming louder than I have ever screamed before “NO NO NO NO NO!!!! DADDY!!!” My dad when he heard my first scream jumped out of his office and ran over! He had to pull the claws out of my hand! Scarlet was still in the corner. I hadn’t even realized they were in me! After they were out he was holding it! My top priority was still “make sure she’s okay” and I’m so proud and thankful my dad was there because if he wasn't I wouldn't have been able to get it off my hand! His top priority was “make sure my daughter is okay” he then threw the hawk and it flew away. I was looking at Scarlet and she looked dead. She thankfully still had life in her and my dad put her in the coop and closed it. We went inside into the bathroom and I was still very worried but at that point I was a bit worried about my hand too! While my dad was helping me with my hand I kept asking questions like “Do you think we should to go to the ER?” or “Are there any animal hospitals near here?” My dad said “You should be ok, you can still move your hand.” We put Iodine on my hand and rinsed it off with water, I kept saying “Oh my god! Dude I held a hawk!” (I still am even while writing this!) I then brought her into the cage that we usually put my bunny Clover inside of when she’s there so that the other chickens wouldn’t peck at her blood. We then called my mom because she has been dealing with and taking care of our animal injuries for 12 years! She hurried over and started taking care of Scarlet after she cared for her a bit she cleaned my wounds up. I have about 5 wounds from it the two on my palm are the worst ones though. Here’s a picture.
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After she took care of me we went back to scarlet. She looked at her first then cleaned her up and took care of her wounds mostly. We didn’t get a pic of her when she was all bloody but here are a few of after she got cleaned up.
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My mom left after that and I started writing this. I just realized that this whole time I still haven’t eaten breakfast! I’m going to do that now. I’ll keep you guys posted, thank you for reading this crazy story.:frow

***UPDATE*** We have talked to the doctor's office, they don't seem to worry but will probably put me on antibiotics.
Wow that was a VERY big accident

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