I got laid off today....

Can you get laid off for health reasons? Ive been having a lot of health problems (I didnt work most of January). But, thats not why she said she needed to lay me off (cutting down on hours & not enough for everyone).....I didnt think they could technically do that...although your situation may be very different...today was my first day back since all the health issues started....ironic? im feeling better tho....
Well I work for a logging company my dad owns. And in Sept. I had a heart attack, we have no insurance plan or anything, so he laid me off so I could draw till I get back to work.
awww thats terrible....mines probably something to do with my heart too, but i sure as heck didnt have a heart-attack....so sorry!
whoa!!! thats not good....im young too and ive got all kinds of funky stuff goin on lol....back problems, heart problems, arthritis ............. apparently brain problems cuz theres another one and i dont remember lol........ but ya i dont whats goin on with us....maybe i shoulda ate more apples or stayed away from livestock lol....cuz thats 2 of my 3 problems
I am on seasonal lay-off right now. I've been laid off since the day before Thanksgiving. Most years it's not a big thing, they just stop building roads in the winter. This year may be a different story with the shortage of work. I'm crossing my fingers for this spring.
ya im pretty used to everything except the heart thing...thats sorta new to me...i dont even take muscle relaxers anymore for it....im getting tough! lol unless its BAD BAD BAD i dont take anything but IB proufen now....wow im so proud of myself haha....how do you get it to go away or do you always ignore it?
It should be ok. The crew I work on is on a very long-term project and my boss really likes me- to the tune of giving me a 3 dollar raise last summer. I'm pretty sure I'll be called back and this year Idaho has added several extensions to the unemployment, so I think I actually have until about June before it gets really serious. Let's hope it doesn't take that long. I'd be a chef by then with all the baking I've been doing this winter.

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