I guess it only looked gross

Chickens not eat meat? Ha! When cleaning out the henhouse, if a mouse runs out, the chickens attack it, tear it to pieces, and gobble it down. They'll do the same thing with a small snake. They are definitely meat eaters.

We gave ours the Thanksgiving turkey carcass. By evening, it was picked completely clean.

Chickens love turkey!
Mine got a lovely breakfast. Had some rice covered in mushroom soup, with ground beef...been in the fridge a bit long and I wasn't in the mood for it myself. I heated it up, then as it cooled I added a raw egg plus 2 crunched up shells, and some of the dog's tuna. I gave em the whole thing, in my best pan no less

I brought home 2 turkey carcasses on Thanksgiving. The chickens got some and I had to be sure to retrieve the bones before Dusti got them. I accused them of murdering their cousin
Then I made a crock pot of broth, then all the critters got some of the softened leftovers.
We filled up two ice cream buckets after thanksgiving for the chickens, plus one for the bunnies. Now we keep one of the buckets on the counter and I go dump it every day, if I remember it...if it smells funky, it gets dumped in the woods instead of the chicken pen though!

I raise African Soft Furred rats for my ball pythons and sometimes they won't eat one and it will sit in their cage too long. Not really enough to spoil, but I can't just stick it in the freezer for later either. The chickens love them and will eat them whole if they can. I figure that the ASF rats are being fed the chicken's food, so it's just a cycle, lol.
The way my chickens attack meat in the scraps make me glad I am LOTS bigger than they are!
Mine eat all the scraps they can get their beaks on. Talk about omnivors, not only do they love meat, they can take down a full size azelea or rose bush!
They LOVE fish or those little live minnows after a fishing trip they go crazy for them its funny because they are slippery and the chickens have a hard time getting them
all this is making me

and it also makes me wonder why I haven't been cleaning out the fridge for the girls, all they get so far are fruits and veges. Can they have dairy? (like mac and cheese)
Cheese is wonderful for them!!! Sweet un-firmented milk isn't so great, (doesn't digest well, lactose thing) but things with extra enzymes and bacteria such as yogurt and cheese are great!

I clean out the fridge and feed anything that I don't want, but isn't actually molded/spoiled to the birds.
Anything that's actually BAD has to go in the compost, or trash, where the birds can't get to it.
Of course, it's rare that we actually have leftovers in the fridge more than a day, but you know....hehehe
I have a few hens that will knock you down and take that mac and cheese from you.
They may be hesitant at first to try new things - chickens being...well...chicken - but they'll love it once they try it.

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