I hate it when chickens die.


11 Years
Mar 9, 2008
Rhode Island
I just came home from a long day at school and hockey practice, all sweaty and hungry ready to jump into the shower. I walk through the door and my brother comes up to me and tells me that one of my 4 chickens is dead. My heart just sank. The worst part of it all is that these hens meant so much to me, and my parents and brother are acting like its nothing. The body was lef tin the yard, half eaten by a cat or something, and I kindly asked my father to help me put it in a bag because I cannot bear to see it, nevermind touch it to bag it. He only replies with a "Its not my responsibility". And I just died. I just got back in from repairing the hole that I never noticed was in the fencing, and kindly asked again, sobbing, if someone would come out with me to bag her, and again, "there your chickens".

Im in the saddest mood I have ever been in.

And you know, I understand that they are my responsibility. But I do my best to buy them the most secure housing and good food that I can as a 16yr old student working a 15hr/ week job after school. And I do a good job for them and they are the happiest ever, and the one thing I ask of my parents, they cant help me with. Its so frustrating.
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I am sorry for your loss.

It is probably better that you picked her up. You are able to treat her with the love and respect you know she deserves.
I feel your pain. I purchased six hens about one year ago, and they have been so close to me. It was my first time with chickens, and I didnt really have much help from my sibling. I have never let anything happen to these birds, going a whole year without anything happening to them. But two days ago, my favorite, Olive, escaped and was eaten by my dog. The next night, I heard chickens and ran faster than i have ever run in my entire life out to the coop. Three were safe, one had escaped, and i saw one lying at the bottom of the run. I couldnt see, so i just stood there screaming so loud in turned out the neighbors heard me. They both lived, but it was really traumatic. I was luckier than you though, my family helped. Just tell your parents that you really care about your birds and would really appreciate help. Good Luck to you, and very sorry for your loss.
Thats exctly what happened. I thought, oh Ill be able to do it, so I walked outside in the rain with my trash bag, got within 10 feet and started sobbing. My little brother came with me and he ran into the house and left me with her, So I ran back in after him. I dont know why I cant do it, but all I can think of is her bent neck with open big black eyes staring at me, twisted around a rock with one leg left. I cant do it, adn I cannot leave her rotting in the yard, So i have no idea what to do right now.
Buddy - that's a bad day! I am so sorry you lost your hens. It is a very difficult thing to do to pick them up after something like that. Parents don't always know the right thing to do in these situations. I know sometimes as a Mom I'm a little less understanding of what my kids are going through than I could be. Go get a hug from your Mom (even if you don't usually) and take a hot shower and wash the day off. It doesn't get easier to lose birds but the hurt does get a little better each day.
It is ok to cry. Cry the whole time. blubber and wail, but don't just leave her out htere. If nothing else, you need to make sure she doesn't attract more predators. Protect your other girls.
Fushalilly, just give yourself a moment to calm down, and breathe deeply. Sadly, this is part of the duties of bird stewardship. Nobody enjoys it, but try to look at this as the last thing you can do out of respect for your poor bird. I had to do the same thing for one of my pullets last year, after my own dog killed her. I just stood there holding her for a while before I buried her, and cried. And I'm a fortysomething year old woman. It's okay to be upset, even if it is "only a chicken", as some will say. But you have to do this.

I'm so sorry this happened. Good job on fixing your run as quickly as possible, though.

Losing a pet of any kind is very hard. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm even more sorry to hear the reaction... or lack of reaction, of your family. Some people just dont understand. Be brave, we all understand!

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