I hate Long beach ca

Whoa! Easy FireTigeris!

I'm sure justbugged was kidding -- please look at the smilie at the end - *wink,wink* - before you flame them!

Perhaps a more accurate description might be "companion" animal rather than "service" animal. It's not like they'd be taking the chicken with them to justify parking in a handicap spot, for Pete's sake. Or into a store, for that matter. But a lot of people who are depressed or anxious benefit from companion animals, so who's to say that a chicken couldn't be a companion animal.

Obviously the "service animal" topic is a hot button for you... Please don't flame someone for their humor.
1. I am handicapped from severe pain. Yes I do have a handicapped placard.

2. In the state of Washington nothing states what kind of animal is considered a service animal, nor does the ADA from what I understand. The law in Washington State simply states that if I say it's a service animal, then it is a service animal. There is a girl in Texas that has a seeing eye horse. That horse takes her into the grocery store, and will even open the freezer doors for her. So you must be quoting state law? If I brought my service animal into your state, I am not sure that I wouldn't be covered under Federal Law. I am aware that the OP lives in the State of California.

3. So yes it was mostly a joke.

4. I am aware that it can be a hot topic. I am sorry that you are so easily offended. I must say that I choose to assume that most people have some degree of common sense. Not everyone has the need or desire to have the kind of relationship that a service animal requires. If someone is to ask me about it having a service animal. I am more than willing to describe what means, and it is not easy. For some just having chickens can be a reason to get out bed and keep going each day. It is up to each of us to not judge what others need, and use to make it each day, to get through life. I have also said nothing about parking spaces.

5. All I was doing was trying to keep up the spirits of a member that will need to give up their chickens. I am again sorry that for you the joke fell flat.
You can have a Service animal and certainly not qualify for a handicap park space. I still know a lot of people that when they think of a Service animal will only think of Guide Dogs for the blind. ADA in this country has widen that to include anyone with disabilities.
and i am covered under ADA so i might try that what the hell

thank you
As long as you are respectful of what it means. Go for it. Clearly for some it is a trigger button for some people, and they don't feel that they are being respected. Read the laws for your state. Only go into this as informed as you possibly can be. It is an uphill battle, and can be very stressful. It is not a fun thing to do. But if you need your birds for a beneficial health related need then, I will say chickens will always beat drugs and other negative methods of coping with your health.
You might go over to the lady's house (don't trespass) and look for code violations (I am sure she has several) and call them in repeately for a month. After numerous visits from CE she might think twice about calling you in. People in glass houses should not throw stones. Almost everyone has some time of violation and doesn't know about it because there are so many rules in cities and counties. It is not about starting a fight with your neighbor but about cluing them in on the 'nobody is perfect' fact.
If they're legal, as above, then I don't see how that one complaining at the SIGHT of them should matter. For a year there were NO smell or sound complaints... no one even noticed! I'd definitely give them a call and see what's what before trying to rehome.

I would stay away from actually "calling them in" since it may not be worth starting a war. She may retaliate and be able to cause you a world of trouble.
Maybe, if you were to just point it out to her that you COULD call in on her for certain code violations (explain what they are)., ... but you don't because you want to be neighborly and keep the peace...then she might get the hint that it's not a good idea to complain about what you have going on.
^Especially when HER complaint is just the sight of something... as opposed to yours being sounds, smells, trespassing, etc which are actually on the book prohibited.

Just because I loathe the color orange (too much red in my skin and I'm an A&M fan to boot) doesn't mean I'ma call enforcement on my neighbor for having an orange truck... if that makes sense? That's just tacky.
I'm a stealth chicken owner in Long Beach, CA and I know one woman who is trying to change the ordinance. Her name is Donna Marykwas and her group is Long Beach Grows. If you haven't signed her petition yet, here's the link:
You can also join her group and follow it on facebook. Donna has spoken to the person at the city council who is in charge of creating new laws, and it doesn't look hopeless. At some point, she might speak at a city council meeting, and we should all come out to support her if/when that happens.

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