I hate my RIRs :(

You might be disappointed with the RIR meat. They will probably have decent legs, but that's about it. I just processed my extra roosters and the Rocks have by far, more meat than the RIRs at the same age (about 6 months).
Hmmm...well I guess I'll try and put an ad on craigslist for $10 each and see if they sell. I would like to keep some of them, but not all 15. I'll keep you guys posted.
My RIRs were always sweet hens, the rooster became soup but mine layed right on time at 22 weeks or so and were great layers.

Sometimes older hens will starve out young pullets from the feed and waters sources so always a good idea to place two extra feed bowls and waterers around to help make that can't happen.
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My RIR hens and Cockrel are very docile, quiet and sweet so far.... they are around 17 weeks now. My barred rocks on the other hand are a bit less accepting of handling but are always at you feet . There a lot more noisey compared to the RIR's.
Could the strain of RIR make a difference in the temperment of the birds?
I have always hated my HATCHERY RIR's but I LOVE my Rose combed Rhode Island Reds from Julie (bammachicken). They are the sweetest things. Breeders birds are the best!
I have never met a RIR or Leghorn that I liked. All the ones that I've ever been in contact with were aggressive and unfriendly. We had a Leghorn rooster that my mom had to put down with a .22 to keep it from attacking us when I was a kid, and I learned how to drop-kick a rooster on a RIR.
RIRs are naturally a more aggressive breed...did you read that in your research? I have only two of them and only two for a reason. When these two decide to get nasty, they have the other 19 girls to fend off. My Splash cochin has put them in their place more than once already. Even the Salmon Faverolles will go head to head with the RIRs who are bigger than they are.

My are only 9 weeks old but they are quick to peck and scream like you are killing them when you pick them up. They have been that way from day 1. I would never own a RIR roo. I have never owned a nice one nor met a nice one.

Good luck...try craigslist because some people love the RIRs, aggressive or not.
I did read that some can be aggressive but I also had first hand experience...my dad always had some RIRs when I was growing up and they were not like that at all. Actually all those years the only chicken I hated was the Turken Rooster who was aggressive.

They are not really aggressive towards us, just don't want to be around us. They are super aggressive to other chickens though. Racist, they are.
I have no problem with my RIR girls or roo. The girls are a little skittish, they get along ok with my EE's. I have one RIR who started laying recently but in the last week Ive only found 2 eggs and one was outside. My one EE has been laying everyday for the last couple weeks and another who started a couple days ago. They are locked in today because they traveled too far the last 2 days and I want to see if she lays in the nest box.
In defense of "good" RIRs. To begin with, I did not want RIR because I also heard they were mean. I hatched eggs from a show breeder and got 17 out of 24 to hatch. 9 were pullets and 8 were cockerels. They are about 22 weeks old now and the girls are showing signs of laying. I kept 2 of the cockerels and all reside in the same coop. These birds are very inquisitive and friendly. NOw I don't go around holding and petting my birds but they do get treats which they eat from my hand. I will let the RIRs and my bantam cochins free range together. It is the cochins that chase the reds. I have found the reds to be very quiet and at peace with each other. I strongly believe it is the strain of RIR that one gets that determines their attitude. Most hatchery birds are not true RIRs. They are produced to lay eggs with no other conciderations. I had 2 hatchery reds and they were not mean but they looked nothing like the ones I got from a breeder.
I did get buff orps because they were so highly recommended for being friendly. Other than the 2 I hatched from Jodies eggs, the buffs I got from another breeder were a nightmare. A couple of ladies from BYC bought them and my nightmare is over. Sorry girls, I do hope they lay good for you.
Again, I think it is the breeding strain of any bird that determines it's attitude.

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