I hate my RIRs :(

I own a RIR roo, the lone RIR survivor of a feral cat attack. While he's never come at me directly, he used to attack hens that I pick up to take a look at. Doesn't do that when they are on the ground. I've batted him twice. First time he did about two revolutions before he hit the ground. He had a somewhat freaked out posture for a few days after that. I think he learned what "I outweigh you 30:1" really means! He will still do his "somethings wrong begawk" when I pick up one of the ladies, but I won't let it escalate any more. When he starts getting bolder, I'll chase him around the run for a while and then catch him and subdue him (just holding him still). I will only hang him upside down if he won't quit or was a real butt head. I've trained him to just sit there when I place him back down until I nudge him into motion. He will just stick his head down submissively. The roo now has a VERY healthy respect for me, and I don't have to swat him anymore. I'd prefer he not be afraid of me but it's that or soup. He is starting to mellow out more now. He will even get within 5' when I give treats. I'm trying to instill a don't mess with me or my hens, and I won't mess with you understanding. But he's never going to cuddle, which is fine.
i have 3 BIG rir roo's,,, we ALL have "had it out" once,, the biggest and me have done it twice,,,ANYONE can do whatever around them with NO problems,, roo's are SUPPOSE TO BE MEAN!! that is what they are for,, but they need to know they can only be mean to other animals,, not humans. if a strange animal enters the pens,, they BETTER be the meanest things in the pen,,, or they go!
That is too bad about the RIR's. At first I wasn't too sure about them but now they are my favorites. The first to lay and the first to run up to me when I go in the yard.
the1much, I agree, roos should have some, ah shall we say spirit. I'm sure I could intimidate him to the point where he'd just cower in the corner. That would defeat the purpose and just be mean. I want to control my roo, not break him. A roo without any kind of attitude is called diner!

I have never had a problem with my RIR's and I have a few. None are as friendly as my buff orps but those RIR give me some huge eggs!!
I got my RIRs as day old chicks at the feed store and they're by far my friendliest chickens. I haven't had a lot of the other chickens from chicks though so that could be part of it. They come running when I go outside if they're free ranging and when put up they come strait to the fence to see me. I really like mine. Even my roo is pretty friendly and happily takes treats from my fingers.
Our RIR's are friendlierr than the Buff Orp. We held them all since they were chicks. The RIR's even let the banty Seabright roo have his way with them, but sometimes he jumps too high and goes right over the top of them. (I would like to hatch some of those eggs) We held him all his life too an now he wants to attack us. I had to stop going out there with shorts on because they all started pecking my bare legs, especially if I don't bring them treats every time. The seabright attacked my leg the other day and I barely felt him he is so small compared to mean ol Elvis. And when he runs toward us and we hold up our shoe he looks like he is putting the breaks on. We also have a little banty barred cochen that attacks any other chicken that we pick up and put down so we have to make sure she is not around when we set another one down.
I have 7 RIR's that are a little more than 2 months old. I got the eggs from BamaChicken.

These are the friendliest and easy to handle chickens that I have ever had. I hope they stay that way as adult birds, but so far they are very gentle.
I have four - was supposed to have two but two of the supposed speckled sussexs were really RIRs. I like them. They are as friendly as any of the others and adventurous. They are hardy too I know.
jan la banan

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