I hate Oppossum's


8 Years
Aug 9, 2011
White City, KS
I went out yesterday morning and let the chickens out of their coop. The dogs were acting normal. The kids were outside feeding and watering all the animals. I went outside and was talking to my hubby on the phone and the dog started going crazy. I looked up at the tree and this was there. Come to find out, hubby said he heard a lot of noise in the coop that night but couldn't see anything. The dog was barking and going after something when he left for work about 4:00 yesterday morning. This is evidentally what the dog was after. I shot the thing out of the tree with the bb gun as it was the only thing we had. The chicken's would not go back in. It was injured when i took the pic with about 50 holes in him. 1 being between the eyes and 1 being in the eye itself. The girls were not happy with him being anywhere near the yard. Right before I took the pic the rooster was out in front of his girls.

We had lost 2 of our hens to what we thought was a coon a couple of months ago because they were all intact except for their heads and necks. This is the second one that the dogs have cornered and we have killed in our backyard.
I just caught one this morning. IME a trap baited with cat food works great then I just dispose of it. So far in 3 weeks I've caught 3 coins and 2 possums. I keep my trap up and baited 24/7.
I have traped several this summer. I went out at dark to check on everyone and found one eating the head of one of my silkie's. That one is no longer alive. I set my traps every night after that.
We have had such a critter problem over the last month we invested in some traps so far we have gotten 2 possums,1 coon, 1 groundhog in the last week. We are still trying for the fox & coyotes that we know are around as well. Have seen both take some of my chickeys.
I lost a nice hen to one a few weeks ago. Trapped it with cat food. Caught a second one with a grape jelly sandwich. It took several shots from my .22 to kill that nasty thing, they are tough! Just make sure it's really dead or you may find out it was just "playing possum" and it'll get up and leave when you're gone.

use a 410 shotgun nothing gets up & walks away
small enough for a woman don't knock you down or bruise your shoulder.
Well I chopped it's head off with an axe. We are in town and I am not sure what they would say if they caught me shooting a real gun in town. lol

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