I have 5 hens that aren't laying yet. Will they this year?


Jul 27, 2016
I have 2 Aruacana hens, 2 buff Orpingtons and an Amber White that are all about 5 months old. I assumed they would be laying by now but they aren't. Now that winter is approaching, do you think it is too late in the year for them to start laying? Will they wait until spring? I am new to raising chickens so I really don't know what to expect.

Are the combs getting bigger or more red? Those are signs that they will start to lay any day. They will also start squating when you aproach them. And have you switched to layers feef yet? Five months is a normal time to begin laying, I rarely have any that lay at the standard four month age. Depending on where you live the winter will have an affect on their laying. It will be slower with less eggs but I don't think they will completely stop or wait untill spring to start. Unless you live in Alaska, maybe. Good luck with your chickens and I hope you get some eggs soon :)
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We live in north Idaho so winter can be pretty harsh. I haven't noticed their combs getting redder or bigger but I also didn't know to look out for that so I will keep a closer eye on it now. They do not squat when I walk up to them though. They have been on layer feed for awhile now too. I guess I will just keep hoping that it happens any day now. :)
Yeah, I would definitely keep an eye on their combs and continue the layers feed. I'm in Arizona so I don't have any experience with harsh winters like you do. So I can't say for certain that they will lay in the winter. Their possibly might not be enough daylight for them to lay any eggs. Hopefully someone who lives in your area or a place with similar weather can help you out more. Have you joined an Idaho State forum yet?
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Araucana or Easter Egger? Only the Amber White is an early producer, out of your breeds. Could be a few more months before the others are ready to lay. And the lower protein content of layer feed can actually slow down the rate of development even more on the slower to develop breeds. It also has way too much calcium in it for birds that aren't actively laying.
They are Araucanas. Would you suggest something else to feed them for now? In addition to the chickens I previously mentioned, I also have 6 Rhode Island Reds that are quite a bit younger and 4 that are a Sumatra/Hamburg/Brahma mix (3 of which are roosters and won't be around too much longer, although they are beautiful). None of which are laying anything. I have one bantam cochin who is the only one laying and she loves to hide her eggs from me. Haha. Any advice is appreciated!
For such a mixed age/gender flock it is much simpler to buy and feed one type of feed that is safe for all. Any feed other than layer fits that bill. The only thing extra that the layers need is a source of calcium, and that is easily provided in the form of crushed oyster shell. The birds will only eat what they need of it, so there is no danger of overloading the kidneys.
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