I have a cat and am concerned about getting chicks, any tips on how to separate them?

We brood in the basement and cover the brooder with hardware cloth basically just set on top with the edges bent over the side of the brooder tank. That was enough to keep our cat out the one night he accidentally got locked down there. As for the adult birds, the cat likes to watch them but is afraid of them if they get too close- I believe many cat attacks on adult birds are from feral cats, not well fed house cats.
I have searched high and low for started pullets that can come at the times that I need (every link on 10 pages of google) but have come up empty handed. I would LOVE to raise chicks, but am concerned about getting them because of my cat. He has a reputation for giving lovely gifts of dead (or half-dead) chipmunks. I had a plan to try to familiarize him with chickens that were a bit bigger, but am having trouble finding those. Has anyone else had similar problems? I don't know how I could keep him away from the chicks, does anyone having tips for keeping cats separate/familiarizing them with chicks?
You may need to venture away from google to find started pullets. Look in the local newspaper And check out farmers markets. We have the MS Market Bulletin. Maybe you have something similar near you. I found my hens in the market bulletin at 11 months old, already grown and laying.
I had my brooder in the house, in the upstairs hallway, for 3 weeks, and actually loved it. I have an indoor cat who’s a determined hunter (mice that sneak in) but I had the brooder covered on top and had no issues. When she realized she couldn’t get to them, she lost interest and left them alone.

Cats aren’t a problem for full grown chickens. An angry grown chicken can do more damage to a cat than vice versa, and the cats don’t want to risk it.

I agree about having your coop/run setup ready before you get the chicks though. They grow up FAST.
You may need to venture away from google to find started pullets. Look in the local newspaper And check out farmers markets. We have the MS Market Bulletin. Maybe you have something similar near you. I found my hens in the market bulletin at 11 months old, already grown and laying.
I'd do that, but let's just say I don't really live in a place that's very into farmer's markets or chickens. A friend told me about someone who's going to be selling bantams when they're a bit older (the chickens, not the people lol) but I haven't really been able to find more information on that.
My chicken free range in the evening with my three cats also in the yard. The cats have at times tried to sneak up on the hens but the hens turn on them and the cats beat feet away.
I had this whole plan for putting my cat on his leash and showing him the chickens inside the run so that they could get used to each other, but that was with older chickens lol. I know that hens can hold their own against a cat, so I was less worried lol
I have several cats. I brood the chicks indoors in a bathroom with the door closed for the first week or two, then outside in a secure coop. i wouldn’t trust my cats with the chicks, but full grown hens are fine, not sure about bantams though.
I have several cats. I brood the chicks indoors in a bathroom with the door closed for the first week or two, then outside in a secure coop. i wouldn’t trust my cats with the chicks, but full grown hens are fine, not sure about bantams though.
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both the chooks and the cats are adorable! I've been thinking that I'd probably be able to secure the garage from the cat. I feel more comfortable with the brooder inside, at least for my first time.
Actually I think having my chicks in a kennel in the house to where my cat could look and see and be curious but couldn't get to them that's helpful. My chickens don't free range until they're laying eggs so by that time they're full grown in the cat sees them as friends not food And one of my cats is a fearless hunter. She's fine with taking a nap and let the chickens walk around her.
I had this whole plan for putting my cat on his leash and showing him the chickens inside the run so that they could get used to each other, but that was with older chickens lol. I know that hens can hold their own against a cat, so I was less worried lol
Yeah I wouldn't trust a cat with a chick around. But adults are very defensive

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