I have a duckling that started trying to pip but stopped after a bit... Is that okay?


In the Brooder
May 2, 2015
As I said my duckling attempted pipping but stopped after a couple minutes... Is it okay?! Please help!
Hatching is hard work. They may pip but not zip for another 24 hours. Im sure your little one will be fine.
Thank you. Also some have pipped but others haven't shown any sign of activity yet and I wasn't sure if that was okay. I candled all of them and they all are completely black but still have an air pocket and so I'm guessing that since they don't smell bad that they have ducks inside but they haven't done anything yet and I'm just worried!
I don't know how to delete a post and this one was supposed to be deleted...:p
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Hatching is hard work.  They may pip but not zip for another 24 hours.  Im sure your little one will be fine.

Thank u so much! He did just pip but that is it so far no others have shown signs of activity just making sure that's okay! Thanks again!

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