I have a layer shamo hen it suddenly prolapsed a long piece of a rectem/oviduct .i reduced and it is stuttering in . The bird is just sitting what to


Jun 17, 2019
I have a layer shamo hen .it suddenly prolapsed her recto/oviduct with no egg inside.the reduced prolapsed is in.the hen is on biopics .the hen does not get up. It is droopy .what souled be done next to help her get well pl help
Was the prolapsed tissue red or pink with no black or necrotic areas? Had there been any pecking or damage to it by other hens? Is she able to poop? Prolapses may come back out for days when they poop or try to lay an egg. I would feed some electrolytes, Gatorade, or sugar water by holding some up to her beak. Pictures of her prolapse if it comes back out, can be helpful. Keep it moist with honey or oil if it stays out, to keep it from drying out. Here is some reading about prolapsed cloaca or vent:

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