I have a swan egg! Now what?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 15, 2009
Long Island NY
You'll never guess what? I was out walking the dog today and we found a swan egg abandoned by the side of the road. The thing is huge and a pale green colour. It was a sunny day so we took it back indoors and stuck it in an incubator. I also candled it and saw a dark circle floating around in the yolk. I believe that's a good sign. I'm endeavoring to turn it every 6 hours or so, but that'll be tough since the incubator is at work. How critical is the turning? The temperature is 37 C and the humidity about 50. We'll see if the embryo progresses. Any other hints, please?
You also need to make sure you mist the eggs once a day with water so when it's time for them to hatch, the shell will be softer so they can get out.

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