I am going to be ordering chicks here pretty quickly, just can't decide WHO to order from, or just drive to Missouri and pick them up from the Lebanon, Mo. hatchery that i have heard very good things about . . . but I have a part time house cat and I KNOW I am going to have to have a lid on my brooder. . .I thought I could buy a BIG plastic tub, cut the lid out on top (there is usually a indented section in the center, just follow those lines,) and put chicken wire on it, my husband is really good at figuring out how to attach and secure things . . .and then put the heat lamp either in a cut out area of the screening, or some other corner of the lid . . .has anyone ever done this? I know Pierre, the old cat will be tempted and I don't want to have to be mean to him, as he is over 13 years old. This set up will let me see them without having to list the lid everytime, and keep Pierre out of trouble. You guys always have such neat time efficient ideas on here, I thought someone might have done a brooder something like this idea.