I have auto sexing chicks and so far: 4 Roos and 2 pullets

You can process them for meat, give them away or create a 'rooster flock'. Choice number 3 can get out of control if you hatch any number of chicks.
wait till they are 15 weeks, and till you are sure they are roos, and have some dinner. we personally have made some stupid mistakes in the past with keeping the roosters till they are big and manly, DONT. specially with the ratio. maybe keep one as the leader.
Anyone who hatches eggs should have a plan in place for excess roosters. Auto sexing or sex link breeds give you the ability to not raise an unwanted rooster, you can cull the chick if you desire. Around here there's a decent market for chicks as snake food.
You can raise them up and butcher them.
You can keep them in a seperate bachelor pad. Keep in mind two roosters crow more than twice as much as one roo, and it goes exponentially from there!
You can sell them to someone who wants a rooster for meat or a flock rooster. Sell might be optimistic, you'll probably have to give them away, thus losing all your invested feed.

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