I have been pranked by the master pranker... You won't belive this!

Checkers...and a pool table...and foosball?
What were YOU guys thinking?
Ranchie heard nothing, Ranchie does not gossip. (much)

Met my DH while playing foosball, ahhhh, the fond memories!

Em lives closer to me, us eastern gals gotta hang tight.
Besides, I like fish, too - fried, baked, broiled...........
Dang, you're waaaay over west of me, 5+ hours away. But I DO love the mountains......

And fish. And don't forget that I bake a lot...
Taz, Mfb said you talk too much and you have a big nose. I told him he shouldn't be so cruel, but that's Mfb for you. Just something to consider before you take a side....

That might be kind of true.
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Taz, Mfb said you talk too much and you have a big nose. I told him he shouldn't be so cruel, but that's Mfb for you. Just something to consider before you take a side....

That might be kind of true.

*I* don't think so! I think you have a lovely nose and I LOVE chatting with you. MFB is just a meanie. You should definitely NOT join him...

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