I have cancer

Ed, thank you for checking in and updating. Yes, I suspect the anesthesia takes a bit to filter out of one's system, hence the dizzyness. In fact, it can take the liver about three days to process this, so lots of rest and fluids. Regarding the bag, that hopefully will be a thing of the past soon, and you'll begin to really feel your strength returning. I'm continuing to pray and send healing vibes your way for a smooth recovery, maximal function, and lots more positive adventures and enjoyable projects to come your way in your life. I'm keeping you in my good thoughts & prayers!

You're a strong man, Ed. You're to be admired for your courage!
I don't think you would take my suggestion, but have you tried drinking soursop(annona muricata) tea leaves. It's said to be a cancer treatment, however the Cancer Research UK said there is no scientific evidence of it's working cancer treating property since they haven't done any test on humans. However it's used regularly for cancer related cause treatment around the world in the tropics where it grows. So something must be going in the right directions. You can obtain them dried online or if you're in South Florida, you can probably find fresh leaves. I hope all is well with you and good luck and you will get thru this.
Im doing so much better. Still having issues with being dizzy and light headed all the time. My family Dr gave me a med to take, it worked for one day then back to being dizzy, she then ordered some blood work, Im waiting on the results of that. If it weren't for being so dizzy all the time, I would be doing super. I cant do much when so dizzy all the time.

Im getting used to wearing depends. Right now I have no control of my bladder. Been working on that trying to regain control. I learned the hard way to start taking a diaper bag with me, don't want no more repeats like the other day when I was in town.

Thanks to you all for caring, the kind words and prayers, it all really means a lot to me.

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