I have decided I have to find a home for my dog.

I would just find new homes for the cats
It is weird after growing up on a farm and walking outside to see my dog piled with cats. Mine just hate all dogs. Strange that yours have chosen a victim. Such bullies! You should make a feline Mean Girls movie!
Can you try the spray bottle thing with the cats? When they are mean... spray them with the water. They will think its the dog and leave her alone.
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You know.....I hate to admit it, but that was my first thought. However, there are 4 of them and 1 of her. *sigh* and they were here first. And my husband would KILL me if I got rid of HIS little spoiled princess cat.
This is the really scary part......we are big advocates of the spray bottle for cat behavior training. It works great. However, when they decide to attack her I could hit them with a fire hose and they would never notice. The only way to get them off her is to quickly cover her with a blanket and knock them off with a broom or something. I have to be very careful or they will accidentally attack me trying to get her. This is not anything minor...they are literally trying to kill her.
This is the really scary part......we are big advocates of the spray bottle for cat behavior training. It works great. However, when they decide to attack her I could hit them with a fire hose and they would never notice. The only way to get them off her is to quickly cover her with a blanket and knock them off with a broom or something. I have to be very careful or they will accidentally attack me trying to get her. This is not anything minor...they are literally trying to kill her.

Holy heck remind me never to upset your cats.
This is the really scary part......we are big advocates of the spray bottle for cat behavior training. It works great. However, when they decide to attack her I could hit them with a fire hose and they would never notice. The only way to get them off her is to quickly cover her with a blanket and knock them off with a broom or something. I have to be very careful or they will accidentally attack me trying to get her. This is not anything minor...they are literally trying to kill her.

Holy heck remind me never to upset your cats.

LOL I KNOW!!!! For awhile I almost got scared of them. However, and this is the REALLY strange part, my cats are sweethearts. They are little snuggle babies. The one who always starts the attacks goes to bed with my oldest son every night and reads with him. She was a stray and the other three are her daughters. She is a huntress and I honestly think they want to kill and eat her.
yeah... if they were there first... they have dibs. Our cats are barn cats and I just love them. They were strays that showed up and stayed. I can't do inside cats though. Hate the litter.

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