I have decided I have to find a home for my dog.

Cat litter is the one thing I absolutely despise about cats!!! I have seriously considered trying the toilet training thing for cats!!!
We have had the cats for almost 3 years. The dog has been here for less than a year.
Do all 4 of the cats attack the dog when/if they are alone? I was wondering if maybe one or two of the 4 were instigators and the other two got into the battle out of fear, adrenaline or whatever.

I have 6 cats and 3 dogs, have never had my cats go after any of the dogs. If the dogs get in their faces too much one might take a swing in order to save itself, but they never attack first. I have more trouble with the cats having random tiffs amongst themselves. But I do notice if 2 of the cats get into a spat, there is usually one or two more that will come tearing across the house to see whats going on. Sometimes they will jump into the chase and sometimes they take over in the fight and oust one of the originators.

Didn't know if maybe you could separate 3 of the cats for a day and see if the single one still attacks the dog. Switch off with all 4 cats, maybe you will find the one that is teaching the group to be mean.

Its a tough decision, we have had to rehome pets that just can't seem to fit into our family for one reason or another. Hope you find your dog a good home if you decide to rehome.
It is one cat that actually arranges the attacks. I know this sounds crazy but she instructs the others and they obey her. She sits and makes a series of chirpy, bark sounding meows for a few minutes. They then slowly go to the place the dog is and spread out. As soon as they are where she wants them she jumps and they all follow. I realize it sounds crazy but this is seriously how it works. I manage to stop most of the attacks because I get her away when I see them starting to get in position. Without her leading them I doubt they would do it.

Here is the tough part though. She was the original. The pregnant stray mommy cat. I honestly don't think she could ever love another family. she is very afraid of people she doesn't know and has no interest in gettting to know them.

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