I have Flu type A. Should I be worried about giving it to my birds?


12 Years
Mar 23, 2010
I've been feeling run down and crappy for about a week. I started running a fever and coughing yesterday so I went to the doctor and found out I have flu type A. I read online that this type of flu can be hosted by wild birds. Should I be concerned about giving it to my chickens?
"Should I be concerned about giving it to my chickens?"

Only if you're doing things the rest of us would not do!
Well, I regularly feed them leftover food scrapings from my plate, and I often cook noodles or steamed veggies for their treats and have not ever been particular about washing my hands first. That's not something I'd do for people, especially not when I was sick.
They should be fine but my vet advised me to wear a face mask while caring for my flock when I was sick with the swine flu last year. When it comes to some flu strains it can mutate. I dont see the harm in trying to protect them. It seems like a logical/sensible thing to do. I wish all chicken owners were as concerned with the welfare of their flack as you are! Good Job!

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