I have hatched a three legged chick

Cool! I want one
LOL!!! Thank goodness we are not close to any Nuk plant!! I spoke with a Dr from A & M and he told me she is the result of what would have been identical twins with one yolk, however the ovum never entirely split, identical twins are very rare in a chicken. Double yolks are much more common and I have hatched several double yolk chicks this year. Two chicks-two yolks.

I have a vet tech friend who was visiting this morning and checked her out. She says it feels like she has a complete leg fused to the end of her spine. The vet she works for does exotics so she is going to show her a picture and talk to her about doing a XRAY, if it is safe.

I too would like to know how often the hatcheries see this, If anyone knows please post. Ideal is about 40 miles from here and I know people who know the owners but I have not had the chance to see if they would ask for me.

Trinity is doing great in the house still. I changed her pen mates. Buffy and Deli had to go to the grower pen to learn to lay eggs. She is now enjoying the company of Speckles and Peach, Two hens I raised. They huddle together and cackle so I think they are good matches. I will post some pics when I get time.
Trinity definately thinks she is cute!!! And she struts like she has something the others do not. It is kind of funny how she flaunts her extra part!!
Oh my! Must be the year of the 3-legged chicken. I discovered a 3-legged chick on April 1st [of all days] among the newly hatched Pumpkin Hulsey gamefowl chicks in my incubator. He's 7 days old and I too am worried that if I don't move him away to himself, the other chicks will start pecking at his third digit. I've been calling him/her O'Bummer.

oh hang it!
Oh well! The spam guard won't let me post a pic, or url as i am a new member. But he/she's a healthy thing surprisingly my pic looks like a duplicate to Trinity's pic. When I can post a pic I will...maybe start a new thread on L'il O'Bummer.

George A
You have hatched several double yolk eggs? Wow! That's extremely cool. So is the vet information about Trinity. Great that you know people who can do a bit of studying on her. Even better that you can post the info here and keep everyone updated. Have you got any recent pics of her?

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