I have horrible luck - Duckling hurt


6 Years
Feb 15, 2018
North Carolina
Yes, another thread but I'm having the worst luck lately :(

This morning my brother came over with his kids (14 and 13) to see my new babies and to help me make repairs on some of the coops/runs. We left the kids alone with the babies and went out to work. Awhile later the oldest comes running out and said one of the ducklings jumped out of the youngest's hand and was puking.

I believe he has a broken leg as he can't stand on it but it doesn't have any bones sticking out. Also, I hand fed him and his crop isn't filling up. If you touch it, he pukes. His bill has a blueish tent on it and I'm scared the fall busted his crop.

What do I need to do to help him? I have an extra heating lamp I put on the other side of the brooder because he seems colder than the others. Even though his crop isn't filling, he is eating and drinking as well as cleaning himself and peeping.
Have you posted on the duck thread under “Forums?” Accidents happen when others are around. I hope your little guy gets better. I wouldn’t push on his crop since that will make him throw up. Just let him eat and drink, and move around in isolation. Check to see if there is any swelling of his legs. Maybe the blue bill is due to bruising, but I am only familiar with chickens.
Have you posted on the duck thread under “Forums?” Accidents happen when others are around. I hope your little guy gets better. I wouldn’t push on his crop since that will make him throw up. Just let him eat and drink, and move around in isolation. Check to see if there is any swelling of his legs. Maybe the blue bill is due to bruising, but I am only familiar with chickens.

No, I haven't yet because I'm pretty sure it's an injury. When he eats and drinks it builds up in his throat and doesn't move to his crop. You can see the bulge in his throat and he acts like he's always swallowing. Even during eating or drinking he will puke.

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