I have huge news! Update on pg.4...

Lots of love to you and your family.

When I was a teenager, my older sister had four miscarriages in three years. She was very young(19) and newly married, they were devistated. In the fourth year she finally carried a baby to term!! He is now 36 yrs old!! And she had two others also. There is ALWAYS hope and prayers. I will keep your whole family in mine.

making it long enough to need maternity pants and feeling kicks is a very good thing!

We've lost so many babies, that we don't even tell the children or grandparents anymore until I'm more than 3 months along.
I just found this post. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and your family. Think on good things. Try not to think of the bad times. I know that sounds easier than it is, but just know that we are thinking of you.

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