I have one of THOSE orders....


5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
Tracking info and all, said chicks would be here today. The post office told me Saturday they would call me at 6:30am when they were delivered, so I could go and pick them up and well, no call. I tried calling the post office, I got no call back. Needless to say I'm bummed. I didn't sleep a wink cause of all the excitement and anticipation, I know ridiculous right? haha
I'm just not sure what to do. I was really hoping they would come today, cause the weather is not nearly as cold as we have had and tomorrow is supposed to get colder again and I wanted to have them home and warm. Now, I'm worried I will get a box of dead chicks like I have read stories of on here. Guess I was hoping first experience would be a great one. Ok. Sorry for the debbie downer post. Just irritated this morning, and sleep deprived. LOL *need coffee* I knew my fellow chick peeps would understand!
The waiting is hard, hope you get that call soon that they are at the PO. Keeping fingers crossed they will all be fine. :fl
The waiting is hard, hope you get that call soon that they are at the PO. Keeping fingers crossed they will all be fine.
Have you seen where they have been delivered later in the day to the PO? I have never ordered and the post man seemed sure they would come in this morning? Oh! I would be happy if there was still hope they would show up today! Thanks for crossing those fingers, I have been doing the same! I told my husband its stressful enough for these little birds just to ship and show up on time, I hate to think of them running out of food, and sitting there hungry too.
I know they sometimes do come later here, the trucks have been like four hours late at times... think it would depend on how many times a day deliveries are made to your PO from where the chicks are coming from ... I would also consider calling the PO again if you haven't heard anything, sometimes it takes them quite a while to get caught up and they forget to call on chicks right away.
I know they sometimes do come later here, the trucks have been like four hours late at times... think it would depend on how many times a day deliveries are made to your PO from where the chicks are coming from ... I would also consider calling the PO again if you haven't heard anything, sometimes it takes them quite a while to get caught up and they forget to call on chicks right away.
Great advice!! I called a few times and it just rang busy over and over. I finally got through and she told me, no chicks this morning BUT she has another truck coming around 1:30 and that they may be on that truck, she took my name and number and will call me if they are there!!!! Please, oh please, oh pleaseeee...
Thanks for the support and advice!!!
Where'd you ordewr from? And I bet they are on the next truck. Do you have a tracking #? My po will run it for me and give me better then their website.
They are from McMurray Hatchery, and I do have a tracking number. The website says they would be here today, but the post office didn't ask for it to look for me. But I think they are swamped, took me forever to get through a call today cause of it ringing busy. If they are not on this next truck, I will totally have her run it for me!
Keeping fingers crossed they are on the 1:30 truck ... :fl ... tomorrow mornings truck at least if not ...

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