I have sick babies with diarrhea.....


11 Years
Apr 27, 2008
Clarkesville, GA
Can anyone help. I have had several orp. babies develop diarrhea and die. It's not pasty butt, but they do have alot of poo under their vent. That's why I called it diarrhea. They become lethargic and three have died. No other symptoms. they are about 4-5 weeks old, I hatched them myself, and except for a couple of very supervised outings in the yard, they have been in the house. I think one or twomay have had blood in their stool. Can anyone tell me what this is and if there is anything I can do about it?
What are you feeding them?

Diarrhea is watery droppings, which is different from pasty butt.

Always isolate any that may be ill.

If you feed treats, stop them for a few days, and give them feed only. Make sure they have fresh water. You could try putting some apple cider vinegar with the mother in the water.

Check if this is helpful.. about coccidoisis
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Thanks. I've been searching and I found a post from Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain and her pics with what she describes is what my birds have. I don't have any amprol, but I did start them on sulmet water. Maybe this will help until I can get some of the amprol.

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