I have to talk POLISH!

Polish with a lack of a good vaulted skull and well rounded, full, tall crest as chicks are pretty common, sadly. Most laced are that way. It's usually the White Cresteds that come out very nice.

Yours look like mutts honestly though - I don't see a cavernous nostril.
Polish with a lack of a good vaulted skull and well rounded, full, tall crest as chicks are pretty common, sadly. Most laced are that way. It's usually the White Cresteds that come out very nice.

Yours look like mutts honestly though - I don't see a cavernous nostril.

yes that is what i said earlyer half polish half cochin but i was hopeing that they would have crestes and featherd feet, they do have the featherd feet but if they don't have a doned skull dose that mean they wont have a crest at all eather or just a small one?
yes that is what i said earlyer half polish half cochin but i was hopeing that they would have crestes and featherd feet, they do have the featherd feet but if they don't have a doned skull dose that mean they wont have a crest at all eather or just a small one? 

Sorry I didn't see where you said they were Cochin and polish. It might grow up and have a small crest who knows. It will be fun to watch it grow up. Super cute chick.
Sorry I didn't see where you said they were Cochin and polish. It might grow up and have a small crest who knows. It will be fun to watch it grow up. Super cute chick.
no problem you all probably didn't notice since i said it in an earlyer post sorry i proably should have restated it with the photo.

Half way through hatching, so far I've got:
12 chick, 3 gold silkie(2 yellow chicks in the first pic), 2 buff pekin(far right of secong pic) and 7 Gold-Laced polish(everything that isn't yellow)
9 eggs to go + 2 eggs pipping as I speak, or write

I've noticed most of my gold laced polish are diffrent shades, from really dark goldy/black to sort of ginger. You can see this in the first pic a bit, bottom right is ginger and other 2 are darker,

Does this effect what colour their going to be when their older?
The polish had a frizzle dad, how long untill I can tell in their frizzle or smooth?
Cute chicks!

Gold Laced can vary a tad based on the quality of their lacing. Some can be darker or lighter or more striped than others. They shouldn't be orange, golden, or yellow though. Too dark/black and they will grow to have poor lacing, very black in color.

Frizzles you can spot as soon as their feathers on the wings nearly touch where the tail comes out. Smooth will look normal, frizzles will look weird and the feathers will first simply point straight back instead of curving with the body, then as time goes on they will point more and more outward and forward.
The one on the left, no. The one on the right - Possibly. Only time can tell. A Tolbunt should be like a Gold Laced, brown with slightly darker brown markings, except with white belly, breast, and bits of white on the head and crest. But, if one is using birds in the project that are not laced or not well laced, it can be tricky to tell a Tolbunt chick from a chick who's just say Mottled Spangled or mixed gold and black Mottled.
just noticed some small black mites running around one of the eggs that haven't hatched yet is it safe to give ivermectin to a chicken with chickes?

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