I have to talk POLISH!

Of all my baby chicks, I think the polish chicks go thru the most AWKWARD looking stage. I have a really funny looking chick right now, with strange feathers sticking out, random lengths, its a very asymmetrical growth spurt! I will try and get pics this weekend to post. They are sooo funny looking right now!
Im going to have some happy birds this summer. We live in central california and it can get 100+ in the summer. I wanted my birds to be happy so my husband is installing this air conditioner in the coup today:
I'm glad to see your post! I've thought about putting AC in the garden shed that we are converting to our chicken coop. We have a small window air conditioner that we can use nicely. I won't have to spend any extra $ on a new unit. Thanks for the inspiration.
I am NOT showing my chickens this picture! They'll be moving from Northern CA to Central CA! I can just see them with a wing out on I5 heading to your place!
Im going to have some happy birds this summer. We live in central california and it can get 100+ in the summer. I wanted my birds to be happy so my husband is installing this air conditioner in the coup today:
So dont laugh too hard. This is "moses", a roo that was given to me but now I know it was more of a rescue. He is ate up with feather lice and fowl mites plus he was confined with retired battery leghorns that followed him around plucking the back of his head. Oh and did I mention the hog ring in his nose and beak? Over all I think he will turn out to be a nice standard polish. Now to find some hens.

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One of my GL polish bantam chicks is looking up quite alot, staring in to space, I think I might have heard some one say that some chicks get this thing called "star gazing" is that what he has, if so then how did he get it and can it be fixed?
He (I always call chicks a He if I don't know their gender) is a week old but I just noticed I about yesterday, thought he was just looking at me but he keeps doing it...
Does any one know what this is?

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