I have to talk POLISH!

Remembering my pigeon days, the disease known for stargazing (a paromyxo virus) is not a pretty sight. Its more than just looking up. Its a heartbreaking, unnatural twisting of the neck.
thank you all for such gorgeous pics to see, you all have such beautiful birds!!
i can't wait to get some current pics up, i have just been sooo busy- so many irons in the fire, so little time in a day!! and then throw in an 8yr old and an 11 mo old
i am lucky i can remember my name... lol..
keep them coming!!
The Polish Breeders club has pics. They don't have info like the standard for them though, because you need to purchase the Standard of Perfection for that.

If you want to know how your Polish stands with the standard though, you can ask around and someone will answer.
Best to ask the Emergencies/Diseases section. Do not put her down though! Only if she's seriously at no return and is practically a goner. She may just have a problem easily solved. Ask in a new thread in the above mentioned section, and describe in detail. Is something wrong with her crop, her feet, her eyes, etc. How long has she been like this, what's she been eating, etc.

Hope she gets better!

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